Remember the mid- to late-00s, before Facebook and social media had completely taken over the internet and we had a thriving, vibrant blogosphere full of people posting and sharing whatever they wanted? Before cancel culture and Big Tech censorship were on anyone’s minds, and the term “echo chamber” was still new and a bit strange? Those were really good days. I was in college at the time, and was just getting into blogging, first with my daily photo blog, and then with my writing blog, which is still active today.
Social media didn’t exactly kill the blogosphere, but it did beat it up, tie it up with rope and duct tape, threw it in the trunk, and drove it out to the middle of nowhere. After I deleted my Facebook and Twitter, blogging began to feel like an exercise in futility, since most of the discussion had moved over there, and very few people would read what I posted unless it got shared on social media.
But starting a new blog was always like that, even in the golden age of the blogosphere. Until you built up an audience, you always felt a bit like you were screaming into the wind. It was actually quite liberating—almost as liberating as the knowledge that you owned the space that you were speaking in, and were free to share whatever you wanted. No corporate Big Tech overlords. No Orwellian “trust and safety” departments, or whatever the hell they call it nowadays. No hard strikes, disciplinary action, temporary bans, or anything of the like. Your blog was your space, to do whatever you pleased.
I would really love to see blogging make a comeback. I have no idea if that’s ever going to happen, but even if it doesn’t, I’m still going to treat this blog like it’s still 2005, because why the hell not? Every old school blogger knows that it’s not about likes, or views, or subscribes, or shares—it’s about freedom. Even if that means that most of the time, you’re just screaming into the wind.
My main resolution for this year is to read and review 100 books. The best way to keep that goal fresh in my mind is to make an effort to post something new to this blog every day, even if it’s just a few brief thoughts on something I’m currently reading. So from here on out, that’s my goal. Blog every day, like it’s 2005 again and Google’s motto is still “don’t be evil.” Reading is my hobby, writing is my passion, and old-school blogging is the perfect way to combine the two. Hang on for the ride!