Even good old Dr. Seuss’s zany imagination
could not have ever thunk a place as crazy as our nation.
Where decent folks, quite sane in fact, upon one knee quite bended
Fear the cry of “racist!” from the perpetually offended.
Who scream and swear and stamp their feet at everyone else’s sins;
They cannot create, they only destroy, so do not let them win!
Once again, we have a supposedly racist Dr. Seuss book that commits the grave sin of… what, exactly? Having a fictional character named Ali who lives in a fictional country, chasing fictional birds? To see the racism in this book, you really have to squint hard and turn it sideways. And to all the people who say “the only reason you can’t see it is because you’re white,” I don’t have to squint at all to see your racism; you display it quite prominently.