Review: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

DNF after the first chapter. Here’s why: Strike one: the book is aggressively atheistic. I’m fine with reading a book by an atheist or with an atheist’s general world view, but when the book explicitly states that there is no God and all religions are false, and beats you over the head with that message …

Review: The Maze Runner by James Dashner

There were a lot of things I enjoyed about this book. It was very fast paced, had some interesting turns, and definitely had me rooting for the main character. It was also a fairly clean book, aside from the constant violence—but I never felt that the violence got too graphic. This is the kind of …

Review: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein

I have tried twice now to read this book, and both times I found I couldn’t stand it. Perhaps the third time will be the charm, but I doubt it. The first time, it was all the moon slang. Some people find it interesting and clever, but honestly, it just grated on me. It’s kind …