Strangers in Flight — excerpt 2

It was all coming back to her now—the events that had brought her to this place. The famine at Anuva Station, the long fearful months as the crisis became a catastrophe, and her father’s secret project to save her.

“You are my youngest child,” he’d told her. “You have a greater chance of surviving the cryofreeze than any of your siblings.” As usual, his obsession with efficiency as the station’s chief engineer came before his emotions. But when she’d looked into his eyes and saw the sadness there, she had known that he did this because he loved her.

“What will it feel like?” she asked. Even if going into cryostasis was the only way to survive, the thought of it terrified her.

“The thawing and freezing process will put quite a strain on your body, but while you’re in cryofreeze, you won’t feel a thing. Years could pass—centuries even—and you wouldn’t know it until you wake up.”

She stared at him with wide, frightened eyes. “Centuries?”

“Yes. There’s no telling when the next ship will come, or what they’ll find when they get here. But there is an upper limit to the timeframe for revival. In eight hundred standard years, Anuva Station’s correctional jets will fail. Orbital decay will crash it into the surface anywhere from one to three hundred years later.”

His brutally efficient analysis had never given her much comfort, but at least she knew that he wasn’t hiding anything from her. He’d never hidden anything from her, not even the hardest truths.


Excerpt 1


Strangers in Flight

Strangers in Flight

$9.99eBook: $2.99

When Reva went into cryosleep, she wasn't prepared to be the sole survivor of a people that history never remembered. Isaac wants to help her, but he carries a secret that may decide the outcome of the war. Little does he know, the Imperials aren't the only ones hunting him.

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By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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