Section one complete

Yes!  I finished section 1 of my novel Hero in Exile today (the rough draft, at least).  The main character, Tristen, just had everything he thought he knew pulled right out from under him, and now he’s on his way “home” to a world he knows nothing about.  New characters, new problems, change of scenery,… Continue reading Section one complete


Yay!  I’m FINALLY past the really difficult part of the story.  And man, I’ve written so much these past two days.  3,199 words today, 2,727 yesterday!  That’s something of an accomplishment! Of course, that doesn’t mean that I’d ever let anyone see what I just wrote.  Holy cow, it is so rough!  It’s probably riddled… Continue reading Hooray!


Ugh.  This romance in my novel is so…vomitous.  Awkward.  I hope I’m doing something right, but I have no idea.  It’s WAY harder to write good romance than it is to write good action.  Stuff blowing up is so much simpler. At least I can fix it in revision.  That’s what I tell myself, anyways.


Happy Thanksgiving!  Holy cow, I ate a lot.  Had dinner with the McQueens, my sister’s husband’s grandparents, and all the inlaws.  My sister-in-law can cook a mean chocolate pie.  Holy cow.  Delicious. So, when I wasn’t eating or groggily digesting over at my in-laws’ house, I was writing.  It was pretty tough, to be honest. … Continue reading Unstuck


Yes.  I finally broke through this one scene that’s been giving me trouble for the last few days.  I don’t believe in writer’s block, but I do believe in writer’s avoidance, and I’ve had that for the past ten days or so because of this one chapter.  I’ve really wanted–and really needed–to get beyond this… Continue reading Satisfaction

I’m still here…

I know I haven’t written much on this blog in recent days, but I’m still here, and still writing.  I’m in a little bit of a slump, with some doubts about this story and whether I’m pulling off what I’m attempting to do…more on that in another post. Tomorrow is the only day of school… Continue reading I’m still here…

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I’m being responsible (for once)

I’ve got this history paper due on Thursday.  It’s the big research paper for the semester, and it counts for a large portion of the final grade.  Because the deadline is coming up, it’s really pressing on my mind right now. Earlier in the semester, we had smaller assignments related to the paper–for example, we… Continue reading I’m being responsible (for once)

Bring, brang, brung

Ok, I have an idea for a language system.  Well, really, it’s not much of a language system, just a quirk that if done right could make one character feel like they’re from a different place/culture.  Or…it could make them sound very childish or annoying.  Regardless, here it is: I work at the FHSS Writing… Continue reading Bring, brang, brung

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