Yeah, I thought that six pages a day wouldn’t be that hard for the rewrite of The Phoenix of Nova Terra. Well, I might be wrong. After a really awesome and refreshing Sunday, I sat down around 10:00 pm to work on Phoenix. I thought that I’d spend maybe half an hour or an hour… Continue reading Maybe I spoke too soon…
Author: Joe Vasicek
Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.
Letter to the Daily Universe
My roommate Matt wrote this awesome letter to The Daily Universe last year (scroll down to the heading “Message for Sisters” to read his letter), and garnered some incredibly hilarious responses from the BYU community. He struck a tightly strung chord in this community, something that everyone here at BYU spends a lot of time… Continue reading Letter to the Daily Universe
New job!
This past week I just started a new job at BYU. I’m a writing advisor for the FHSS (Family of Home and Social Sciences) writing lab. It’s GREAT! I help students work on their papers and work on their writing skills, and I really love it. How I got this job is an interesting story. … Continue reading New job!
Goals update…and it’s freaking late…
Man, I’ve been really bad about my writing goals this month. I set a whole bunch of goals right as school started, and I don’t think a single day has gone by where I’ve kept all of them. Blegh, that’s disgusting. So today I took some time to rethink things and reevaluate. I figured that… Continue reading Goals update…and it’s freaking late…
I love revising
Today, after I got through with my homework for tomorrow, I figured it was time to do my writing for the day, so I opened up the rough draft of Phoenix and picked up where I left off. I didn’t really feel much in the mood for writing, but forty five minutes later the library… Continue reading I love revising
AI birth…through spam?
What if the first truly autonomous, self-aware, sentient AI emerges from spam detection software? What kind of an outlook on life and the world will this newly birthed AI have? What kind of mythology would a society of these budding AIs create? What would be their thoughts and opinions on mankind? The idea for this… Continue reading AI birth…through spam?
Awesome weekend!
This was a really good weekend for writing. We had a REALLY fun writing meeting with Quark and I got some very helpful feedback for the first chapter of The Phoenix of Nova Terra (aka The Lost Colony), and now after another rewrite I feel really happy with it. On Friday, as I was walking… Continue reading Awesome weekend!
Last night I hung out with my friends Steve Dethloff and Lindsay Rowe over at Steve’s new apartment at King Henry. Had a really good time, which unfortunately involved staying up until 2:30 am. The next day I was zombified–even more than usual. I can’t keep this up much longer…need sleep… So the day pretty… Continue reading Progress!
Cool New Title!
Hey guess what! I finally figured out a new title for the story previously known as The Lost Colony! From here on out, that story will be known as The Phoenix of Nova Terra. That title fits in so many different ways. Humanity is crawling out of the ashes of a near xenocidal war and… Continue reading Cool New Title!
Yuck. My life is so disorganized right now. Behind in homework, behind in my writing, behind in my blogging, zombified with sleeplessness…ugh. First step, I guess, is to get a good night’s sleep. So that’s what I’m going to do. But first, I have been writing a little…500 words yesterday, 200 words today, rewrote the… Continue reading Disorganization…