Why PCs are better than Macs

The unthinkable has happened.  My trusted, beloved laptop, which has served me faithfully for almost three years, has died.  I suspect it’s a problem with the motherboard.  While I was in Jordan, the power cord sometimes had trouble making contact with the contacts in the power socket on the back.  Now, it’s almost impossible to… Continue reading Why PCs are better than Macs

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Megaman DDR!

This makes me happy. It’s 2:30 am. My work here is finished.

Critical Mass

Stars form when billions of tons of gas, scattered across space in the midst of an impossibly huge nebula, gradually come together through the attractive pull of gravity.  Over the course of thousands of years, these gases slowly, almost imperceptibly come together, until they reach a critical mass.  When that critical mass is achieved, the… Continue reading Critical Mass

Genesis Earth

So last week I was in Israel/Palestine, traveling with the BYU study abroad group, seeing all the sites and everything, when my flash drive crashed.  Real bad.  This friend of mine on the trip who’s a data recovery expert downloaded all this software and tried to help, but the drive was not only completely wiped… Continue reading Genesis Earth