So I haven’t updated this blog, and the blog stats show a steadily declining readership. But don’t worry, even though I’m halfway across the world, I’m still writing…
Author: Joe Vasicek
Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.
I’m in Jordan!
…and not writing a whole lot. I still haven’t figured out how things are going to work exactly, so I haven’t set any new goals yet for my writing. Probably I’m just going to end up writing 1,000 words a week, but I didn’t do too much last week because we were moving around so… Continue reading I’m in Jordan!
It’s finished!
That’s right: with a final word count of 168,316, the rough draft of The Lost Colony is now complete!
I am SO close…
Man, I am so close to finishing this novel! I’m at the last part of the last chapter, with the closing scene and the last viewpoint. Man! I’m going to finish it tomorrow! In other news, my sister Sarah just got married, I packed all my junk and put it in storage, and I’m getting… Continue reading I am SO close…
I have a new blog!
Check it out: Journey to Jordan. The blog is going to be all about my study abroad experience in the Middle East this summer. I’m going to pattern after my sister’s blog, which IMO is one of the best blogs I’ve ever read. This means, however, that I probably won’t be updating this blog as… Continue reading I have a new blog!
First submission sent off!
Yep, that’s right! This past Thursday I sent off the first three chapters plus a synopsis to Tor for them to consider! It was all part of the English 318 final. And…I’m not exactly sure how I feel about sending it out just yet…
awesome day
Yeah, it was a really good day today. I didn’t make any progress in the last few chapters of my novel, but I did revise the first 25 pages of my novel for the English 318 final. Now, I just need to find a place where I can safely submit it…
A week away…
Wow. Only a week away from my goal to finish this novel…
Well, not quite yet. There’s still exams. But no more classes!!! Yay! I’m so relieved! It’s been so awesome to have free time again. Unfortunately, these past two days I’ve squandered it quite a bit, and haven’t written a whole lot. I changed that today, though, and wrote about 1,440 words. Still…man, only about a… Continue reading FREEDOM!!
Now that I’m almost finished…
It might sound kind of crazy, but now that I’m almost finished with this novel, I’m starting to figure out what it’s really about…