To Joe who is HARDCORE! Keep writing!

That’s what Brandon Sanderson wrote on my copy of Elantris which he signed today after class. Yay! The story, though, starts with the steel cage death match between him and the BYU English department that happened a couple of days ago…

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

I’ve always wanted to read a romance, just because I know so little about that particular genre.  Most of the time, though, the people around me would talk me out of it (“Romances are so slutty and gross!  You don’t want to read one of those!”).  However, a lot of people recommended that I read… Continue reading Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

1,673 words tonight

Man, it’s been a busy week–and a busy weekend!  The days are really flying by, and it seems like I’ve got a hundred more things to do than I’m capable of doing.  To complicate things, probably the biggest stress on me right now is finishing this novel…