This is going to be a quick rant because I need to get some sleep…
Author: Joe Vasicek
Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.
Brandon Sanderson speaks to Quark!
We had an awesome weekend in the Quark writing group! Brandon Sanderson came and spoke on turning your dreams of becoming an sf/f writer into reality…
The Lost Colony to be submitted by May!
We had an interesting lecture today in English 318–Brandon explained the format of the final to us, and part of the final is that we actually submit something we’ve been writing to a professional publisher! So, now not only will I finish this novel by the end of the semester, but I’ll be sending it… Continue reading The Lost Colony to be submitted by May!
2,578 words tonight…whew!
Booooooooooooooo yeah!
A curious situation
This funny thing happened to me during church on Sunday, and it’s been puzzling me recently. I almost forgot about it, but it came back to me during work. It doesn’t have a whole lot to do with writing, but I thought I’d post it here to see if anyone could help me understand what’s… Continue reading A curious situation
Twilight: preliminary thoughts
So, I’m reading Twilight by Stephanie Meyers, to try and figure out what makes this book work. It’s been a really interesting experience so far, but I’m starting to understand why Brandon Sanderson called it “a book for 14 year old girls, or anyone who’s ever been a 14 year old girl.” It hearkens back… Continue reading Twilight: preliminary thoughts
Writing can be…surprisingly touching
I spent about four hours writing in my novel today, and as I was writing, something completely unplanned and unexpected happened, and at the end of it these two characters were kissing, and it just felt…really good. It really touched me and made them feel like real characters. I sound kind of sappy blogging about… Continue reading Writing can be…surprisingly touching
Thank goodness it’s Friday!
Yes! Thank goodness! Got out of class at two and, after taking care of some chores and stuff, went down to the Provo library for a good two or three hours and just wrote in my novel. It was definitely a lot cooler than anything else I could have done…
writing despite it all
Life is CRAZY, but I swear I will finish this novel by the 25th of April as I planned!
I <3 Miyazaki
I saw Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind over the weekend with my sisters, and it has been stuck with me all day! Hayao Miyazaki is an incredible film director. I’ve been extremely impressed with all of his movies, and I have a goal to collect all of the ones that he’s made. During… Continue reading I <3 Miyazaki