A quick update before I go to bed…
Author: Joe Vasicek
Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.
You Make My Day award
A couple of weeks ago, Riegheena and Gamila both gave me this award, which is kind of nice–I’ve never gotten a blogging award before. The tradition is to hand off the award to a bunch of other bloggers by linking to them, so I picked a few of the blogs that I enjoy to read… Continue reading You Make My Day award
I was going to go to bed…
…but then I figured the day wouldn’t be complete without blogging…
Don’t put it off
Some updates on the writing process, and a little rant on the difficulties therein…
Do you measure beauty in Kelvin or degress Celsius?
I got into this really interesting discussion with my co-workers today, and thought I’d share it with you. It all started when this song came over the delivery van’s radio, and the message was “everyone is beautiful in every way.” Naturally, I disagreed…
This novel keeps getting longer and longer…
…but in some ways, it also keeps getting better and better…
time = life, therefore long winded academic articles = evil
I’ve come to a conclusion that might just prove myself a hypocrite, but I’m going to say it anyways…
I’m starting to get to the really cool parts…
…in both of my stories. In The Lost Colony, Leila, who’s a native of this somewhat primitive civilization that doesn’t understand spacefaring, stows away on a shuttle and experiences space for the first time. Pretty cool! And in The Wormhole Paradigm, tension builds as they set off towards the planet, anticipating that the aliens will… Continue reading I’m starting to get to the really cool parts…
Get married in the temple…but just barely!
That’s the advice from Stephen L. Robinson, at least (author of Believing Christ and Following Christ–some of the best books that I’ve ever read on the subject of the Gospel that weren’t scripture). The other week, he gave quite possibly the most fascinating lecture I’ve heard all year–Paul the apostle on sex and marriage…
3,000 words tonight
Just another daily update on my writing progress: