Recap on Life, The Universe, and Everything

Yes, BYU had its annual sci fi con–er, symposium–this weekend!  It was pretty freaking awesome!  We had Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn, Elantris), Gail Carson Levine (Ella Enchanted), and Orson Scott Card (Ender’s Game) as some of the main speakers, plus Kevin Wasden who’s a famous illustrator, Eric James Stone who makes it out to Quark writing… Continue reading Recap on Life, The Universe, and Everything

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And it doesn’t help when you’re sick.  Yeah, I think I’m coming down with something.  It’s kind of…demotivating. Still, 715 words isn’t too shabby.  I’ll definitely write more over the weekend.  What’s more, a pretty little romance story has sprouted up in my novel…