This is just Amazing

I have this feed in my blog aggregator for this awesome site that puts up astronomy pictures every day.  Yesterday’s picture was just freaking amazing:

Dragonsflight by Anne McCaffrey

Dragonsflight is the first book in the Dragonriders of Pern series.  Think fire breathing, teleporting, telepathic dragons who, with their human riders, fight off swarms of devastating alien worms falling through space from another planet, and you’ve pretty much summed up the basic premise of the story…

Resolutions and Alpha Centauri

Here are my thoughts on New Year’s resolutions (and goals in general): they need to be short, simple, specific, measurable, realistic, easy to remember, and before you set them you need to realize that success (or failure) is not measured by how well you keep the goal itself, but what you accomplish as you strive… Continue reading Resolutions and Alpha Centauri

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I know why Disney fights so hard to extend copyright protection

…it’s because they can’t come up with anything as good as the old stuff.  Case in point, the new movie Enchanted.  I watched it today with my family, and I couldn’t stand it.  Looking back, I probably shouldn’t have put on my headphones and turned on my mp3 player in the middle of the show… Continue reading I know why Disney fights so hard to extend copyright protection