Busybusybusybusybusy!!!! But, I did write a little. Mostly, though, I was busy today with homework and the writing group. We had an AWESOME meeting that I’ll write about tomorrow (inshallah), but it left me really drained and tired. I did take a few useful suggestions, though, and that’s really what I worked on mostly this… Continue reading miniscule progress
Author: Joe Vasicek
Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.
This show made me retch
Alright, this isn’t necessarily related to anything I’m writing, or anything science fiction / fantasy, or even writing in general, but it got such a strong reaction out of me that I had to blog about it, and this seemed like an appropriate place. There is this excellent radio show each week on NPR called… Continue reading This show made me retch
Rgggh!!! No time!!!!
Nope, no progress on the story today. !!!!حرام!!! حرام Shame!!! Shame!!!! And there are like four or five things I’d like to blog on as well. WHY do I never do the important things until 1:00 am?! Shame!!!! Well, the news that I DO have is that I’ve decided to start organizing my life better.… Continue reading Rgggh!!! No time!!!!
Why are writers so self conscious?
This is something I’ve noticed: that aspiring writers are generally introverted and very self conscious–to the point even of being fragile. It’s hard for them to feel confident and very easy for them to feel depressed because they think that their writing is all bad. I’ve been in the same boat–and now that my latest… Continue reading Why are writers so self conscious?
1800 words and breaking the 100 page mark
My story is double spaced, in 12 point Courier New, but yeah, it’s pretty awesome to break 100 pages. What’s surprising to me is that that translates to 77 pages in single spaced 12 point Times New Roman. I thought that my story was advancing really fast, but now, I’m not quite so sure. A… Continue reading 1800 words and breaking the 100 page mark
Things are becoming busy, but I’m still writing
Yesterday was an extremely busy day! Much more than I was expecting. I probably would have accomplished more with a better plan and more self-discipline, but it was a good day. However, there were a few things I didn’t do–like write. I think things are still going well, though. The day before, I wrote 1,300… Continue reading Things are becoming busy, but I’m still writing
A friendly review and some revision
This isn’t going to be very long, because it’s late at night. Aneeka was kind enough to read my story, and gave some good pointers. I was pleasantly surprised that she felt that she could understand and sympathize with the characters. I was especially surprised that she sympathized with the main character, Ian, because he’s… Continue reading A friendly review and some revision
1079 words and a goal adjustment
1,079 words today, but I decided to throw out the last 487, so it balances out to about 500. The really cool thing was that I wrote all this in the two separate hours I had between classes. I’ve always thought that I should only write if I have a large amount of time set… Continue reading 1079 words and a goal adjustment
Awesome Quark writing meeting!
We had another writing meeting this Saturday, and it went really well! We had quite a few new people! I was pleasantly surprised! I knew we would have a few newcomers, since we got a few submissions from some new people, but I didn’t realize that people would come and bring friends! It was great.… Continue reading Awesome Quark writing meeting!
1,200 words and another story idea
1,200 words today. After going to a BYU Freedom Society meeting (it’s a new political club), I went to the LRC and just wrote. It’s been so long since my last writing session that I had to read over what I’d written last time, and in doing so I found out that I wanted to… Continue reading 1,200 words and another story idea