Today was my first Sunday in a new ward, and we had a really good Elder’s quorum lesson on keeping the Sabbath day holy. This is an area of living the gospel that I really need to improve on, and I need to both stop doing things that aren’t appropriate for the Sabbath and start… Continue reading Writing and the Sabbath
Author: Joe Vasicek
Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.
1,257 words tonight and where I’m going with the storyline
1,257 words tonight. That should make up for yesterday’s missed goal. The great thing is that I’m starting to really get into this story. In my mind, I’m already thinking out the details of the events in the next couple of chapters. Now, I just need to make sure to keep up with it! Unfortunately,… Continue reading 1,257 words tonight and where I’m going with the storyline
Writing Is Not Mindless Entertainment
So, I’ve been unpacking and moving in all day–what a freaking chore! It didn’t help that my sister, who left me her car while she’s visiting the family, was 5,000 miles overdue for an oil change, or that it suddenly decided to leak power steering fluid. Holy cow! I could go on listing things, but… Continue reading Writing Is Not Mindless Entertainment
I moved back to Utah today. Got about two hours of sleep before leaving for the airport at 4:30 (I tried, but I couldn’t help it! I couldn’t sleep!), then basically slept, listened to podcasts, and talked with this lady from Tennessee all the way to SLC. Then, busy busy busy busy busy…holy cow! I’m… Continue reading So…Freaking…Tired
3,000 Words Today
Yeah, I did about 3,000 words in The Lost Colony today. I’m just about caught up to the place where I was before I decided to rewrite the first chapter. About a third of that was cut and pasting from the previous part, but I did have to substantially edit it. The funny thing is… Continue reading 3,000 Words Today
Writing Advice From Seven Years Ago
One of the nice things about being at home is that I can go through all the old stuff that I didn’t take with me to college. You know, all that stuff from high school that got thrown into a box when I left on my mission and has been gathering dust for a few… Continue reading Writing Advice From Seven Years Ago
What Makes Good Science Fiction?
I wrote this a while ago on my other blog and thought I’d put it up here, since it’s pertinent to writing and fiction in general. It’s basically my thoughts on what science fiction is and what makes for good sci fi. Everyone’s personal definition of science fiction varies, and this is mine. I originally… Continue reading What Makes Good Science Fiction?
Hey, 500 words per day isn’t that tough!
I’m surprised how easy it is, in fact! About half an hour of writing. When I know what I want to do, it flows out nice and easy. Almost like I’m reading my story as I write it. It might just be as easy as updating my photoblog each night. At this rate, it won’t… Continue reading Hey, 500 words per day isn’t that tough!
The Lost Colony: Prologue
I thought I should post the prologue to the story I’m working on, to set things up a little bit and clue you in to how I imagine this universe to be. Also, any suggestions or feedback would be good: I’ve gotten some feedback already on the Quark boards, which has been interesting. I have… Continue reading The Lost Colony: Prologue
The Wheels are (Finally) Grinding
All last year, I had this really great idea for a novel, and even worked out a significant portion of the story out in my mind, but only got up to about 10,000 words before losing momentum with it. It just kind of sat on my hard drive for a couple of months, forgotten, before… Continue reading The Wheels are (Finally) Grinding