Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil!
When Captain Victor Andrecek and his crew of down-and-out smugglers respond to a deep space distress call, what they find shocks them to their very core. The victim is dead, his EVA suit nailed to a cross and launched on the head of a repurposed missile, with the words of an ancient scripture burned on a plaque at his feet. And he is not the only one.
The madman behind the murders is a privateer known as Zedekiah Wight, and the reward on his head is more than enough to tempt Andrecek and his struggling crew. With it, they can finally get back on their feet again—not to mention, rid the galaxy of a very dangerous man.
But Andrecek can't help but wonder: what was Zedekiah's reason for crucifying those men? With the showdown rapidly approaching, the answer might make the difference between being in the right, or being dead.