- Words written: 1,105
- Total stories written: 1
- Total words written: 3,880
- Total words remaining: 26,120
- Total words behind: 960
Way, way, way too busy today. So many chores, so much time doing babycare, so much other insanity. I have no idea how people play video games and get anything done. They must not have children.
Anyway, started a new story today. The character is a bit of my own take on Solomon Kane from Robert E. Howard. I thought there was a bunch of untapped potential in that character, so I’m drawing on that for inspiration for my own character. Except he’s not the viewpoint character in this story either, so really I guess the purpose of this story is to draw up a portrait of him from the point of view of someone else. Oh, and this story is a direct sequel to “When She Awakes,” which I just published.
Can’t say much more than that, and it’s already super late and the baby just woke up again, so gotta go.