- Words written: 334
- Total stories written: 1
- Total words written: 4,214
- Total words remaining: 25,786
- Total words behind: 1,594
Not much writing today, unfortunately. Had to run some errands with the baby, including a visit to the house we’re renting out, which had a malfunctioning sprinkler. Also, I’m trying to typeset Queen of the Falconstar and order the proofs before going on a family vacation on Thursday, so that I can have the paperback up when the ebook launches on the 20th.
But in spite of all those things, I really should have gotten more words in. I have lots of ideas for this story I’m writing, and the more I write the better and more refined those ideas become. But I have to actually write.
With this family vacation, I’ll either get no writing done at all, or get a ton of writing done because all of the other domestic concerns are gone. I’ve been calling it a family vacation, but really it’s a men-of-the-family go whitewater rafting and spend the weekend up in a cabin kind of vacation, so I’ll be out with all my brothers-in-law while Mrs. Vasicek takes care of the baby back home. So there actually is a decent chance I’ll get some work done.
Anyways, that’s all for now. It’s a bit early, but I think I’m going to turn in so that we can get some extra sleep. Always need more sleep.