- Words written: 2,483
- Total stories written: 5
- Total SF-AZ chapters written: 1
- Total words written: 27,940
- Total words remaining: 2,060
- Total words behind: 1,100
Good day of writing today! I was going to work on Science Fiction from A to Z, second edition, but decided instead to start a new Zedekiah Wight story. This is the one I’ve been meaning to write since the beginning of nanowrimo, the one that ties it all together with “When She Awakes” and resolves that cliffhanger. I’d earlier started a story that I thought would tie it all together, but it was actually a different character’s story, so while looking over all that this morning I realized “no, this one has to be about Rachel.” And then the opening scene came to me, and I started writing it down.
Not sure if I’ll finish this story by the end of tomorrow (working title “To Enter Into That Rest”), but if not, I definitely plan to finish it sooner rather than later. And there’s a chance that I can pull it off tomorrow. A lot of it depends on how long the story runs, and I honestly don’t know how that will turn out. It could be just a quick 5k word short story. Or it might turn into a novelette.
At this point, I’m letting the characters run with it and following them along. Great feeling. Been a while since I had this much fun writing. I hope I can hold onto that and inject it into my WIP when I go back to it next week. Part of it really is just sitting down and putting words onto paper. I need to write at least 1,500 words per day to really start hitting that creative sweet spot.
Anyway, it’s late, and I told my wife we could go to bed about an hour ago. I don’t think she’ll be too mad, since she hasn’t come to get me, but I’d better go. Calling it a night.