- Words written: 1,569
- Total stories written: 4
- Total words written: 21,280
- Total words remaining: 8,720
- Total words behind: 3,888
It’s been a while since the last nanowrimo update, hasn’t it? Don’t worry, I’m not ghosting it like I did for Camp NaNoWriMo in April! In fact, I’ve been catching up this whole time—just haven’t been able to get to the update posts. When life is perpetually crazy, you really do have to pick and choose which things you’re going to drop and pick up later. I thought I was overwhelmed when I was single, but it wasn’t until now that I’m a husband and a parent that it’s just been physically and temporally impossible to do everything.
Still, things are going well. The “Tolerant and Fair” story (which I’ve renamed to “Welcome to our Crazy Family,” since it does end on an upbeat, conciliatory note) took a lot longer than I was expecting, and probably needs at least one severe rewrite, but it’s done, and I’m actually quite satisfied with it—with the caveat, of course, that it’s a very rough draft. The story I’m writing now (working title: “Bloody Justice”) has been bouncing around in my head for a few days, so the first scene came rather easily, probably because I’m so eager to reach the climax. With a title like “Bloody Justice,” you know it’s going to be fun.
So yeah, I’ll hopefully finish up this Zedekiah Wight story (it is another Zedekiah Wight story, by the way) tomorrow, provided things go well. After that, I have no idea. Some poetry would be nice, but I probably won’t have that luxury, seeing as I’ve fallen so far behind in the word count. Maybe I’ll consult the Mythulu cards again.