Fighting for a Homeland

For the past few weeks, I’ve been brainstorming ideas for my next big novel project.  One of the ways I’ve been doing this is to by trawling tvtropes and putting together a mashup of the story tropes I’d like to play with. By far, the one that’s struck me the most is Fighting for a Homeland.… Continue reading Fighting for a Homeland

Sholpan, or The Great Novella Experiment

So now that I’m finished with Desert Stars, the next project I’m working on is a companion novella to Bringing Stella Home titled Sholpan.  While Bringing Stella Home is about James and his quest to rescue his brother and sister, Sholpan is entirely from Stella’s point of view and traces her rise in Hameji society, from prisoner… Continue reading Sholpan, or The Great Novella Experiment

Blurb for Bringing Stella Home and thoughts on Borders

One of the essential elements for a successful in epublishing is a killer book description, and I think I’ve got a pretty decent one for Bringing Stella Home.  However, I could use some feedback, so if you could read it and tell me what you think, that would be great. Here it is: It is a… Continue reading Blurb for Bringing Stella Home and thoughts on Borders

Desert Stars 3.0 is finished!

That’s right; after almost exactly two months of writing, the third draft of Desert Stars is now complete! This is the first draft where I feel that things are truly coming together the way they should be, where the story is transforming into something that not only works, but is actually fairly awesome. I’m probably… Continue reading Desert Stars 3.0 is finished!

Teaser: cover art for Bringing Stella Home

Not too much news today; just plugging along in the final chapters of Desert Stars and working full time at the warehouse.  Liva just finished with the cover art, so without further ado, here it is: Pretty sweet, eh?  I’ll figure out the typesetting tonight; what fun! I’m hoping to have the novel out before… Continue reading Teaser: cover art for Bringing Stella Home

Q2 roundup

For those of you who don’t know, I keep a spreadsheet with my daily writing word count and use that to help set personal deadlines for various projects.  In order to keep myself honest, I do a report every quarter on how I kept up with my writing goals in the past three months. So,… Continue reading Q2 roundup

Teaser: Starmap from Bringing Stella Home

First off, let me get some business out of the way.  I did another post for the Genesis Earth blog tour, this time on my friend Cavan’s blog.  The subject: how and why I decided to become an indie published writer. Also, if you live in Europe, it may interest you to know that Genesis… Continue reading Teaser: Starmap from Bringing Stella Home

Deciding on the next project

First, you know how I said I’d raise the price of Genesis Earth as an experiment?  Well, after thinking it through a little more, I figured that it’s more important at this point to build a following, and to do that I should probably have at least one novel at the $2.99 price point.  Since Genesis… Continue reading Deciding on the next project


So this morning when I was getting ready for church, I realized that I couldn’t find my Kindle.  Anywhere.  Remembering that I’d left it at a Quark event in my apartment’s lobby, I started frantically calling people and knocking doors.  Unfortunately, no one had seen it. A few hours later, after combing every place I… Continue reading …WHUT

Another publication in Leading Edge!

That’s right!  My poem “Zarmina,” dedicated to Gliese 581 g (the first exoplanet discovered in its sun’s habitable zone) is published on page 98 of issue 61 of Leading Edge! Also included in this issue is an excellent essay by Brandon Sanderson, in which he introduces his second law of magic systems.  It’s an excellent… Continue reading Another publication in Leading Edge!