Just another quick update, before I crash. Went to the Book Academy Conference at UVU today. It was fun, with several excellent panels by some local authors. More about that in a later post. My new mp3 player arrived today: a refurbished iRiver T10. An ancient, nearly obsolete machine, but it’s got a good quality… Continue reading Just another update
Category: Bringing Stella Home
Danger: difficult plot ahead
Just a quick post before I turn in and try to catch up on the sleep that I didn’t get last night (insomnia sucks). I’m entering a very difficult part of the revision for Mercenary Savior. I’m a little more than a third of the way through the story (as you can tell from the… Continue reading Danger: difficult plot ahead
Confessions of a delinquent blogger
Man, so much has been happening, but now that I’m working an eight to five job, I never have the time to blog about it. It’s 2am and I’m running on only four hours of sleep from the previous night. Oh well, it’s a weekend. Here goes. I passed the 50k mark for the rewrite… Continue reading Confessions of a delinquent blogger
Job – reliable internet = spotty posting
Sorry for the general lack of posts these past few days. I haven’t fallen off the face of the Earth (yet), I’m just working full time and living in a place that doesn’t have reliable internet. Someone in the complex tried to set up a wireless router, and now the internet is down. For some… Continue reading Job – reliable internet = spotty posting
Travel writing + Gemmell + Sanderson signing = awesome
Today was an awesome day, which is weird considering everything that happened. Woke up at 4:45 am to catch an early morning flight back to Utah, took public transport back to Provo, and ran around on errands until attending the midnight Way of Kings signing at the BYU Bookstore. Yet it was awesome. Why? First,… Continue reading Travel writing + Gemmell + Sanderson signing = awesome
Why am I so #$%! unproductive?
I don’t know why, but it’s a lot harder for me to write the first draft of something than it is to revise it. Finishing my last novel was much, much harder than any of the projects before it, and my productivity is still suffering because of it. The root problem, I suppose, is procrastination.… Continue reading Why am I so #$%! unproductive?
Update on things
Revised the first chapter of Mercenary Savior today. I will probably revise it a couple more times before this draft is finished, but at least I’ve done it once. For some reason, most of my alpha readers didn’t give me too many comments to work with. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or… Continue reading Update on things
Almost at four
I’ve got half a dozen things I could blog about, but it’s 2 am and cleaning checks are tomorrow, so I think I’m going to give a quick update and go to bed. Worlds Away from Home is doing quite well–I’m only two chapters and five scenes from the end. I’d push really hard to… Continue reading Almost at four
End in sight
Things are winding down for my current work in progress, Worlds Away from Home–or should I say winding up, since I’m just a chapter or two from the major climax? In any case, by the end of the week, inshallah, the rough draft will be finished. <crosses fingers> It’s been tough, but I’m cautiously optimistic… Continue reading End in sight
If it kills me
I will finish this novel if it kills me. At the rate things are going, it just might. Things are kind of tough for me right now. I desperately need a new job–the one I’ve got is slowly sucking away my soul without even paying enough to get by–and job rejections are way worse than… Continue reading If it kills me