Braving the unexpected rough spots

Right now, I’m going through this unexpected rough spot in my novel, where I know what’s supposed to happen (or at least I have enough of an idea to wing it fairly well), but the writing just isn’t coming.  This happens every time I hit the two thirds mark, and it really sucks. Currently, I’m… Continue reading Braving the unexpected rough spots

Thoughts on the convolutions of discovery writing

It’s been forever since I posted, so I figured I’d put something up and let you guys know what I’ve been up to. I’m happy to say that Worlds Away From Home is going well; I wrote just under 20k this week, which is more than I’ve written in a long time.  I hope to… Continue reading Thoughts on the convolutions of discovery writing

The need to change

I picked up this sign at institute last Wednesday. The lesson was on our desires; specifically, how the thing that we truly desire deep down is often the thing that we get. The main reason I posted this sign on the door was to motivate me to get a better job than my current one. … Continue reading The need to change

Quick update

Just a quick update on things, since it’s been forever since I’ve blogged. The Utah Valley Democrats offered me a position, but it wasn’t the internship they’d advertised, so I turned it down.  They wanted me to do all their phone surveys, for 20 hours per week at $8.50 an hour, working evenings and Saturdays… Continue reading Quick update

An interesting concept

Last night, I was hanging out with a friend of mine and a couple of girls in the apartment complex where I currently live.  We got to talking about books, and one of the girls said something really interesting: Every book needs to have one thing that the main character knows that the reader doesn’t… Continue reading An interesting concept

When taking a break is not enough

So these past few days, I’ve been taking an unofficial break from writing.  After I finished Mercenary Savior 3.0, I didn’t feel that the time was quite right to start my next project.  Plus, I figured that after working so hard, I kind of deserved a break. It’s been kind of weird, though.  In some… Continue reading When taking a break is not enough

Mercenary Savior 3.0 is finished!

That’s right–after nearly three months, the third draft is finished! How do I feel? Tired. It’s 2:00 am and I’m just coming off of three straight hours of writing. I. Need. Sleep. I will say this, though: finishing this draft isn’t quite as satisfying, knowing that it needs at least one more revision before it’s… Continue reading Mercenary Savior 3.0 is finished!

CONduit post coming shortly

Just a micro-quick update, since it’s 2:00 am and I need to meet up with friends tomorrow morning to carpool to Salt Lake. The first day of CONduit was awesome–there were several excellent panels on writing, as well as many familiar faces from the local writing scene.  I’ll blog all about it this weekend, after… Continue reading CONduit post coming shortly

Weird slump

Man, I’m going through a really weird slump these days.  Yesterday, I wrote 2.5k words, and today, I only wrote 1.5k words–this, in spite of the fact that I’m only working about three hours a day.  It’s kind of frustrating. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m right at the end of this novel.  I’ve got… Continue reading Weird slump

Falling behind

Man, CONduit is at the end of this week, and I’ve still got a good 14k words to go in Mercenary Savior. Today, I only wrote 1,300 words.  I have no idea why my productivity has fallen so much, but it’s not good. It might not be a totally bad thing, though.  I’m having trouble… Continue reading Falling behind