Six weeks to World Fantasy

Holy cow!  How is September halfway over?  It seems like school started just a week ago.  Only six and a half weeks before World Fantasy convention in San Jose, and I think I’m going to have to readjust some of my goals. I’d wanted to finish Bringing Stella Home 2.0 by the 11th of October,… Continue reading Six weeks to World Fantasy

Busy busy AWESOME day

I had an awesome day today.  Totally awesome.  If every day this semester is like this one, I’ll be dead tired before Thanksgiving but so happy it won’t even matter. It started at 7am.  Woke up, worked out, read a galley from Dragon Moon Press for Leading Edge while working out.  The book wasn’t that… Continue reading Busy busy AWESOME day

Summer roundup

Alright, with the first week of school already over, I figure I should recap and evaluate my writing progress this summer. When school ended in April, I was still waiting to hear back from Brandon Sanderson’s agent about an internship.  My backup plan (which I started as soon as classes ended) was to stay in… Continue reading Summer roundup

First week drama and other news

It’s been a while since I’ve written here, mostly because it’s been a crazy week so far.  Gosh, it feels like Saturday already.  School’s back in session, and while the homework hasn’t been bad so far (and probably won’t be), I’ve been jumping through hoops just to get this semester figured out. Long story short,… Continue reading First week drama and other news


I’ve got a bad case of writer’s avoidance.  It’s annoying. I wrote 1,500 words in Bringing Stella Home today, and about 800 words of outlining.  That might seem like a lot, but when you consider how much free time I had today, it’s really not that much.  Blarg. I’m all moved in to my new… Continue reading Blarg.

To write on vacation or not to write?

That is the question. These last couple of weeks have been very unproductive.  I hate it.  Yeah, there have been reasons–moving apartments, sister’s graduation, coming home, etc.  Worthless excuses–I should have been writing more, and I didn’t. At the same time, taking a break every now and again is very important.  Sometimes you just have… Continue reading To write on vacation or not to write?

Oh crap

Dang.  I just looked at a calendar for the next two months, and it looks like I’m going to be busy. I want to get Genesis Earth and Bringing Stella Home polished and ready before World Fantasy 2009, but it’s going to take a lot of work.  Genesis Earth is almost there, but Bringing Stella… Continue reading Oh crap

Holy crap! 5,373 words in one day

That’s right–5,373. And I was only going for 4k! How did this hapen? Well, I was revising a couple of powerful, gripping scenes. The way I’d had them before, they worked okay, but when I followed the suggestions from the writing group, it made them ten times better. By midafternoon, I was hooked in my… Continue reading Holy crap! 5,373 words in one day

Genesis Earth 3.0 is finished!

That’s right!  Here are the stats: ms pages: 269 words: 74,687 file size: 525 KB chapters: 16, prologue & epilogue start date: 8 July 2009 end date: 25 July 2009 Wow, I finished this rewrite in seventeen days. Seventeen days! Hard to believe it’s only been that long. I hope the quality of this work… Continue reading Genesis Earth 3.0 is finished!


If you’re a regular of this blog, you may have noticed that I took off the statusbar for Ashes of the Starry Sea 2.2.  I’ve decided to discontinue that project for the foreseeable future, while I work on Genesis Earth and Bringing Stella Home. It’s not that I think that Ashes doesn’t have potential, or… Continue reading Refocusing