First off, I’m happy to say that Stars of Blood and Glory is coming along quite nicely. I’m currently finishing up with the last couple of chapters, and should have the first draft done by the middle of next week. Hopefully by then I’ll know if and when I’m starting my TEFL job overseas, but I’m… Continue reading Quick update and Star Wanderers cover previews
Category: Bringing Stella Home
What I’ve been up to recently
I thought it would be a good idea to do a quick post explaining what I’ve been up to the past month or so, since a lot of things have changed and I’m sure they will be changing a lot more in the future. So, here’s what’s up: As you may or may not know,… Continue reading What I’ve been up to recently
Trope Tuesday: Lawful Good
Lawful Good is the character alignment that is the most unambiguously heroic. These are the white hats, the caped crusaders, the knights in shining armor who fight for Truth, Justice, and the American way. They might not always be smart, and they might not always be nice, but you can always count on them to do the… Continue reading Trope Tuesday: Lawful Good
Character Interview: Master Sergeant Roman Andrei Krikoryan
So I recently heard about a really interesting blogfest, where the goal is to blog about the characters in your story, as well as have a little fun with flash fiction. The prizes look pretty good, too: a couple of free books and a manuscript critique, from a couple of up-and-coming editors. Not bad…but the… Continue reading Character Interview: Master Sergeant Roman Andrei Krikoryan
Trope Tuesday: Xanatos Speed Chess
Well, I can’t say any of this mess was part of my original plan, but it’s all working out so beautifully that I can’t complain. Tarvek, Girl Genius. The Xanatos Gambit is when a character plans out a scheme such that all possible outcomes (including abject failure) ultimately benefit that character. Named after David Xanatos… Continue reading Trope Tuesday: Xanatos Speed Chess
Writing Resolutions for 2012
As I write this post, I’m riding on the California Zephyr through western Colorado, going to my parents’ house in Massachusetts before heading out overseas on an adventure that I have no idea where it will take me before the end of the year. It’s an interesting time to make New Year’s resolutions, because so… Continue reading Writing Resolutions for 2012
Desert Stars is now published!
Desert Stars, my third novel (and second in the Gaia Nova series), is now available as an independently published ebook from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords. Within the next couple of weeks, it’ll be available through Kobo, iTunes, Diesel, Sony, and Xinxii as well. It’s been a long journey, and I’m thrilled to finally… Continue reading Desert Stars is now published!
Desert Stars cover art is in!
I just got the final version of the cover art for Desert Stars, and it looks great! Here’s a preview: Many thanks to Hideyoshi, who also did the art for Genesis Earth. I’ll finish the cover and upload the ebook over the weekend. By Monday or Tuesday, it should be up for sale across all… Continue reading Desert Stars cover art is in!
Climbing the 10k mountain
I recently read an amazing blog post by Rachel Aaron, in which she explains how she went from writing about 2k words per day (about what I’m doing) to routinely breaking 10k. This is something I really want to do with my own writing. As I noted a couple of weeks ago, I need to… Continue reading Climbing the 10k mountain
Am I swamped, or am I lazy?
This post might get a little emo, so I apologize in advance. I feel like I have so much on my plate right now, and yet when I look back at what I’ve accomplished each day, I wonder if I couldn’t have been more productive. I’m moving out of my apartment on the 21st, so… Continue reading Am I swamped, or am I lazy?