Goals update…and it’s freaking late…

Man, I’ve been really bad about my writing goals this month.  I set a whole bunch of goals right as school started, and I don’t think a single day has gone by where I’ve kept all of them.  Blegh, that’s disgusting. So today I took some time to rethink things and reevaluate.  I figured that… Continue reading Goals update…and it’s freaking late…


Last night I hung out with my friends Steve Dethloff and Lindsay Rowe over at Steve’s new apartment at King Henry.  Had a really good time, which unfortunately involved staying up until 2:30 am.  The next day I was zombified–even more than usual.  I can’t keep this up much longer…need sleep… So the day pretty… Continue reading Progress!

Hero in Exile

Today I finally started writing my new novel.  Yay!  Despite the fact that it was like pulling teeth to get the words on that first page–and I’ll probably end up rewriting it a dozen times or more–it was good to fill up that empty page with something.  800 words, and even if it was hard… Continue reading Hero in Exile

First week craziness

So, this last week was the first week of school.  It was as crazy as anything.  Back to classes, back to papers, readings, buying books, waking up early…everything. Fortunately, even though I’m taking six classes, three of them are only two credit hours, so the load is going to be somewhat lighter, freeing me up… Continue reading First week craziness

Critical Mass

Stars form when billions of tons of gas, scattered across space in the midst of an impossibly huge nebula, gradually come together through the attractive pull of gravity.  Over the course of thousands of years, these gases slowly, almost imperceptibly come together, until they reach a critical mass.  When that critical mass is achieved, the… Continue reading Critical Mass