Category: Outworld Trilogy
Unpublishing the Star Wanderers omnibus editions
After some deliberation, I’ve decided to unpublish the two omnibus bundles for my Star Wanderers series: The Jeremiah Chronicles and Tales of the Far Outworlds. In place of the omnibus editions, I plan to release Star Wanderers: The Complete Series on all platforms. Currently, it’s only available on Kobo. Eventually, I’ll put it out in… Continue reading Unpublishing the Star Wanderers omnibus editions
Late November Update
Is it time for another update? Why yes, I suppose it is. Sons of the Starfarers is coming along quite well. Book 6, Patriots in Retreat, is up for preorder right now with a release date of January 19th. My editor just got back with the edits for book 7, A Queen in Hiding. Haven’t… Continue reading Late November Update
Instafreebie Giveaways for October
In case you haven’t read it yet, Outworlder is currently available on InstaFreebie in exchange for signing up for my email newsletter. This is the first Star Wanderers novella, my most popular series thus far. If you have already picked up a copy, you may be interested in some of these other fine InstaFreebie giveaways… Continue reading Instafreebie Giveaways for October
Beginning of September Update
It’s September, my favorite month of the year! Maybe I’ll revisit that post in a blast from the past or something. So many reasons why September is awesome. Things are going well on the writing front. I’ve switched up my daily routine to make more writing time, and it’s working well so far. My alarm… Continue reading Beginning of September Update
All of my books and stories, in series order
A friend of mine recently asked me to give him a list of all my books in series order. That was just the kick in the pants I needed to put this page together. For your convenience, I’m putting it up as a blog post too. The links to all the book pages will appear… Continue reading All of my books and stories, in series order
Next project
So after finishing the rough draft of Gunslinger to the Stars a couple of weeks ago, I took an unofficial summer break to work on other things. But I’m back now, ready to pick up a new WIP. There are quite a few to choose from. Here are the ones I’m leaning towards: The Sword Keeper —… Continue reading Next project
Checklist for STAR WANDERERS update
As I mentioned last week, I plan to take down the individual novellas in the Star Wanderers series and keep the two omnibus editions instead. This is both to declutter my book page and to prepare the way for new sequel novels. However, it’s really easy to get deer-in-the-headlights syndrome when undertaking a major project like… Continue reading Checklist for STAR WANDERERS update
The timelessness of novels
Every few months, an article about the “death of the novel” makes the rounds on the internet. This subject, the impending doom of one of literature’s most enduring forms, is a perennial favorite for bookish handwringers everywhere. If it isn’t ebooks that’s going to kill the novel, it’s millennials, the internet, our dwindling attention spans, or… Continue reading The timelessness of novels
Thoughts on series and perma-free
For the last five years, the conventional wisdom among most indie writers has been to write short books in sequential series and make the first book permanently free. It’s a strategy that works, to a certain extent. It’s what got me from making pizza money on my book sales to making a humble living at this… Continue reading Thoughts on series and perma-free