At that moment, two other men entered the room. They were both tall and muscular, much more so than either the doctor or his apprentice. Like the doctor, they also wore second-skins that covered almost their entire bodies. These ones were thicker, though—hard and black like beetle shells. They looked so silly that Reva couldn’t… Continue reading Strangers in Flight — excerpt 5
Category: Sons of the Starfarers
Cover reveal for first SONS OF THE STARFARERS omnibus!
Great news! The cover for the first Sons of the Starfarers omnibus is here–check it out! Since the omnibus is just the first three books in one collection, I should have it up for pre-order in the next few days. The release date will be November 1st, and I plan to set the ebook price… Continue reading Cover reveal for first SONS OF THE STARFARERS omnibus!
Reasons why September is my favorite month of the year
Chilly mornings Campfire smoke Farmer’s markets Crisp Gala apples Home-cooked chili Autumn leaves Labor Day weekend My birthday Start of the school calendar Old friends coming and going Last chance to go mountain climbing First chance to take out winter clothes End of the summer slump Beginning of harvest season Orion and the Pleiades Clear… Continue reading Reasons why September is my favorite month of the year
Strangers in Flight — excerpt 4
Who are these people? she wondered. Clearly, the older man was a doctor, which meant that the younger was probably his apprentice. The room itself seemed like a bathroom in a medical facility, though not at all like the one at home. But that was what her father had told her, wasn’t it? That when… Continue reading Strangers in Flight — excerpt 4
Strangers in Flight — excerpt 3
The shower door opened and she stepped out, holding weakly onto the wall for support. The room outside was narrow and windowless, with walls and floors that were immaculately white. There were a number of gray stalls lining the wall to her right, with a wide sink facility in the far corner. Two men stood… Continue reading Strangers in Flight — excerpt 3
Strangers in Flight — excerpt 2
It was all coming back to her now—the events that had brought her to this place. The famine at Anuva Station, the long fearful months as the crisis became a catastrophe, and her father’s secret project to save her. “You are my youngest child,” he’d told her. “You have a greater chance of surviving the… Continue reading Strangers in Flight — excerpt 2
Strangers in Flight — excerpt 1
At first, Reva had no perception other than a vague sense of falling. It was neither dark nor light, neither cold nor hot, and she couldn’t tell whether she was the one falling or the world all around her—if you could call it a world. Time, space, and consciousness were all beyond her immediate awareness.… Continue reading Strangers in Flight — excerpt 1
STRANGERS IN FLIGHT coming out soon! (and other updates)
So, I have great news! Sons of the Starfarers, Book III: Strangers in Flight will be coming out in just a couple of days. Everything is squared away for the release–all I need to do is finish approving the edits, write a teaser for the next book, and put the ebook together! This will probably… Continue reading STRANGERS IN FLIGHT coming out soon! (and other updates)
Short Blitz #7: Starchild
Title: Starchild Genre: Space Opera Word Count: 3,000 Writing Time: about two weeks I haven’t trimmed or polished this story yet, but I’m calling it at 3,000 words. If I were stricter about following Heinlein’s rules, I would only give it a proofreading pass, but with shorts I’ve heard that it’s best to cut out… Continue reading Short Blitz #7: Starchild
Thoughts on declining sales and the summer slump
According to conventional bookselling wisdom, summer is the slowest time out of the year for book sales. But is that really the case? I’ve heard David Gaughran and Ed Robertson argue that that’s just a myth perpetuated by New York publishers who are completely out of touch with their readers. Sales don’t fluctuate with the… Continue reading Thoughts on declining sales and the summer slump