The Babylon Bee Guide to Every Christian Denomination

Saw this video a couple of days ago, thought it was hilarious—especially the parts about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: “Mormons? Just kidding—we said Christian denominations!” And then later… “Unitarian Universalists? They’re atheists. We’ll even take the Mormons over these guys.” Although, to be fair… if Joseph Smith’s first vision was real,… Continue reading The Babylon Bee Guide to Every Christian Denomination

Are vaccine-related deaths decimating the SF field?

This is an extremely polarizing and contentious issue right now, so I’m going to try to make this post as fact-based and non-sensational as possible. Full disclosure: I never got the covid shot. My wife and I both had covid before the “vaccines” became available, and decided that our natural immunity provided enough protection for… Continue reading Are vaccine-related deaths decimating the SF field?

Quick update

So I was going to post the next blog post in the Grand Conspiracy series today, but this week between Christmas and New Year’s has been unusually hectic for us. Long story short, both of my families (extended in-laws and my own extended family) are in town, so I’ve been juggling family obligations between the… Continue reading Quick update

The Grand Conspiracy, Part 2: Creator vs. Creation

A couple of months ago, I listened to this really fascinating interview between Daily Wire host Michael Knowles and a former occultis/astrologer who gave all that up (including a profitable podcast on the subject) to convert to Christianity. It’s a super-long interview, so here’s the TL;DL: if you don’t worship God, you will ultimately end… Continue reading The Grand Conspiracy, Part 2: Creator vs. Creation

The Grand Conspiracy, Part 1: Malice or Incompetence?

Remember the time before the pandemic, when “conspiracy theory” was still a dirty word? It still is in some quarters, but for many of us the term is now closer to “spoiler warning.” After all, what are we supposed to believe: that Epstein hung himself with a bedsheet that couldn’t hold his weight, from a… Continue reading The Grand Conspiracy, Part 1: Malice or Incompetence?

The Burden of America

The prophecies of Isaiah were written around 750 B.C. and pertained primarily to the major powers of his own day, but if you tweak them just a bit, they apply remarkably well to us. Believers will say that’s because his prophecies were laced with intentional double-meaning, but you don’t have to be a believer to… Continue reading The Burden of America

What do you want to see more of in author group promotions?

For the last several months, I’ve quietly been running these Christian Author group promotions on Book Funnel and Story Origin. I started them in response to some other group author promotions that I saw floating around on Facebook, with banners that have the standard woke progressive litany. You know how it goes: in this home,… Continue reading What do you want to see more of in author group promotions?