Back a few years ago when indie publishing was a new thing, I remember there was a blog that would take the worst self-published covers and make fun of them. It was a popular site for a while, though a lot of the indies whose covers were shamed didn’t think it was all that fun.… Continue reading Retro sci-fi cover fails
Category: Uncategorized
Confessing My White Privilege
From the title of this post, you’re probably expecting a snarky takedown of the concept of “white privilege” and a good solid fisking of critical race theory. And while I thoroughly despise everything having to do with CRT, liberation theology, and Ibram Henry Roger’s X Kendi’s ideas of “anti-racism,” I do have one point of… Continue reading Confessing My White Privilege
Why I won’t be watching Amazon’s Rings of Power
Believe it or not, I actually did not have an opinion on Amazon’s latest boondoggle, the Lord of the Rings TV series called “Rings of Power,” until about three days ago. I expected it to be a disappointment, partially because I expected it to be woke, but mostly because all the major TV series seem… Continue reading Why I won’t be watching Amazon’s Rings of Power
I love this so much!
Did the internet ruin fandom?
Ever since I made a spreadsheet to track all the Hugo and Nebula award-winning books, I’ve noticed some interesting patterns. I’ve already blogged about how the genre seemed to transform after the creation of SFWA and the introduction of the Nebula Awards. That seems to mark the point where the left’s long march through the… Continue reading Did the internet ruin fandom?
Steelmanning the pro-aborts
Remember when the wrongfun brigade screamed and shouted and gnashed their teeth that the Sad Puppies were cheating the Hugo Awards through “slate voting,” or whatever the hell they called it? That we were somehow gaming the system to put our racist, sexist, misogynistic, fascist authors (many of whom were non-white, female, and/or flaming libertarians)… Continue reading Steelmanning the pro-aborts
Trump season 6 has officially jumped the shark.
I’m calling it now: Trump season 6 has officially jumped the shark. The show has been nothing if not a little over the top, but it’s been building steadily enough that even when it strains credulity, there ends up being a good reason for it. Until now, that is. I’ll admit, when the global pandemic… Continue reading Trump season 6 has officially jumped the shark.
Author Group Promos for September
Book Funnel Giveaways Story Origin Giveaways
Three common tropes that I hate (and what I’d like to see more of instead)
So I’ve been reading a lot of books in the last few months, which means that I’ve been DNFing a lot of books too, and I’ve noticed some recurring patterns in the books that I’ve DNFed. A lot of these are tropes that I’ve either gotten sick of seeing, or that tend to make for… Continue reading Three common tropes that I hate (and what I’d like to see more of instead)
Quick Update Post
It’s been a while since I posted to this blog. I had planned to keep a regular twice-a-week posting schedule, then went a little more than that for about a month before falling out of the routine. We just got back home from a family road trip, where we drove out to Omaha and back… Continue reading Quick Update Post