Words written: 334 Total stories written: 1 Total words written: 4,214 Total words remaining: 25,786 Total words behind: 1,594 Not much writing today, unfortunately. Had to run some errands with the baby, including a visit to the house we’re renting out, which had a malfunctioning sprinkler. Also, I’m trying to typeset Queen of the Falconstar… Continue reading Camp NaNoWriMo: Day Six
Category: Uncategorized
Camp NaNoWriMo: Day Five
Words written: 1,105 Total stories written: 1 Total words written: 3,880 Total words remaining: 26,120 Total words behind: 960 Way, way, way too busy today. So many chores, so much time doing babycare, so much other insanity. I have no idea how people play video games and get anything done. They must not have children.… Continue reading Camp NaNoWriMo: Day Five
Camp NaNoWriMo: Day Three
Words written: 1,778 Total stories written: 1 Total words written: 2,775 Total words remaining: 27,225 Total words behind: 129 Made good progress today. I’m still a bit behind where I should be, but not by very much. It’s a lot easier to write 30k words in a month than 50k words. Maybe I’ll make the… Continue reading Camp NaNoWriMo: Day Three
Camp NaNoWriMo: Day Two
Words written: 0 Total stories written: 0 Total words written: 997 Total words remaining: 29,003 Total words behind: 939 Friday was an admin day, unfortunately. The baby woke up early from her nap, and the plumbers were working on the house most of the day, so no progress on nanowrimo. Saturday should be better. I’ve… Continue reading Camp NaNoWriMo: Day Two
Camp NaNoWriMo: Day One
Words written: 997 Stories written: 0 Total words written: 997 Total words remaining: 29,003 Total words ahead: 29 So after moving into my in-laws’ house to house-sit for them while they’re gone for the next 18 months, and hosting a ton of family in June when they came through for summer vacation, I’ve decided to… Continue reading Camp NaNoWriMo: Day One
Navigating Woke SF, Part 3: Toward a New Short Story Strategy
So I really love how China Mike Glyer cherry-picked the excerpts that he quoted from my last blog post, leaving out how I said that it’s important to give people the benefit of the doubt, or how you can’t take diversity statements at face value because of all the elitist signalling language. But the thing… Continue reading Navigating Woke SF, Part 3: Toward a New Short Story Strategy
Navigating Woke SF, Part 2: When Is It Not Worth Submitting?
So a couple of hours after I published my last blog post, China Mike Glyer of File 770 infamy picked it up for his daily pixel scroll. Hi, China Mike! I thought you might be looking for some red meat to feed your readers—aside from the Chinese clickfarms, of course—but I was especially pleased that… Continue reading Navigating Woke SF, Part 2: When Is It Not Worth Submitting?
Navigating Woke SF, Part 1: Short Story Markets and Author Blacklists
Last year, I had a short story published in the anthology Again, Hazardous Imaginings: More Politically Incorrect Science Fiction. Not only was it one of my highest paying short story sales to date, but it also made it onto the Tangent Online 2020 Recommended Reading List with a *** rating, their highest tier. Only 13… Continue reading Navigating Woke SF, Part 1: Short Story Markets and Author Blacklists
Are short stories worth publishing?
Every couple of years, I get the short story bug and write maybe half a dozen short stories in the span of just a few months. Then, I get really excited about putting them up on submission, and for the next couple of years I systematically send them out to all the professional markets… and… Continue reading Are short stories worth publishing?
So… what now? Where do we go from here?
For the last several months, I’ve struggled to put my thoughts together into something that I felt was appropriate for this blog. Even though I allow myself to be political here, I’m also keenly aware that I have many readers who might enjoy my books and yet disagree with my politics. I don’t want my… Continue reading So… what now? Where do we go from here?