(61) I’m grateful for my truck and the mileage I’ve gotten out of it. (62) I’m grateful for our Toyota Camry and the diligent service that the previous owners put in it, for it to run so well. (63) Believe it or not, I’m actually grateful for the fact that our baby always gets up… Continue reading #GiveThanks Day Five
Category: Uncategorized
NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Twenty-Three
Words written: 1,774 Total words written: 32,627 Stories written: 6 Total words behind: 5,706 Not a very productive day today, and it doesn’t look like tomorrow will be much better. If I were a Democrat, I would keep up my lackluster pace until November 30th and suddenly declare that I “found” another 15,000 totally legitimate… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Twenty-Three
#GiveThanks Day Four
(45) I’m grateful for Jordan Peterson and his courage to speak the truth as he sees it, even in the face of incredible opposition. (46) I’m grateful for the “intellectual dark web” and how they show that there are still intelligent people who can discuss important issues with those with whom they disagree. (47) I’m… Continue reading #GiveThanks Day Four
#GiveThanks Day Three
(30) My wife posted today that she’s grateful for Tillamook Mudslide ice cream. So am I! (31) I’m grateful for the original Star Wars series for cultivating within me a deep and lifelong love for science fiction. (32) I’m grateful for Michael Ende and his magnificent book The Neverending Story, which remains my favorite novel… Continue reading #GiveThanks Day Three
#GiveThanks Day Two
(15) I am grateful for my American heritage, and the rights and freedoms that I am able to enjoy because of that. (16) I am grateful to have access to many good books, more than I can possibly read in one lifetime. (17) I am grateful that my copy of Destroyer of Worlds by Larry… Continue reading #GiveThanks Day Two
NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Twenty-One
Words written: 1,763 Total words written: 30,853 Stories written: 6 Total words behind: 4,147 I’ve been hitting a lot of resistance whenever I try to write a story that’s inspired by drawing Mythulu cards. I suspect that’s because my subconscious mind hasn’t had that much time to work on the story, so the first creation… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Twenty-One
#GiveThanks Day One
President Russell M. Nelson, the spiritual leader and prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, put out this message today about gratitude. In it, he invites all of us to turn our social media accounts into our own “personal gratitude journal” between now and Thanksgiving, which we celebrate next week here in… Continue reading #GiveThanks Day One
NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Twenty
Words written: 334 Total words written: 29,090 Stories written: 6 Total words behind: 4,243 Not a good day today. I think I had a minor panic attack yesterday, due to an ongoing plumbing problem in the house, and the baby didn’t let us sleep much last night so I’ve basically been a zombie all day.… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Twenty
NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Nineteen
Words written: 2,026 Total words written: 28,756 Stories written: 5 Total words behind: 2,911 It occurs to me that if I can win nanowrimo 2020, that will be a major accomplishment that few will be able to boast of, even those who win nanowrimo regularly. The whole year has been crazy, but this month especially…… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Nineteen
NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Eighteen
Words written: 2,344 Total words written: 26,730 Stories written: 4 Total words behind: 3,270 My graph on the nanowrimo.org site looks like a wavy shadow following the line where I should be. Still in the game, just not where I should be. If it keeps going this way, maybe I’ll do a stream-of-consciousness interview with… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Eighteen