NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Twelve

Words written: 862 Total words written: 15,688 Stories written: 2 Total words behind: 4,312 Another day of very little progress. It feels very weird to write a story that I haven’t spent much time planning or thinking about first. I suppose this is what Dean Wesley Smith would call “writing into the dark,” but personally,… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Twelve

NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Nine

Words written: 2,130 Total words written: 11,380 Stories written: 1 Total words behind: 3,620 Still running behind, unfortunately. It’s going to take some effort to catch up, let alone build a buffer for the Thanksgiving holiday. I expect I’ll finish my second story tomorrow. It’s a decent one, though it probably needs to be reworked… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Nine

I Have A New Book Blog!

So I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what reading goals I want to set for 2021, and I decided as a part of that to keep a regular book blog where I post all my book reviews and keep a regular reading journal. The first post is now live, and you can check it… Continue reading I Have A New Book Blog!