Words written: 2,285 Total words written: 6,423 Stories written: 0 Total words behind: 3,577 Catching up slowly! I think I finally have a good idea how this first story should end. It’s a bit of a monster and definitely needs a good rewrite, but it’s also a very good start. Fairly busy day, too. Family… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Six
Category: Uncategorized
NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Five
Words written: 235 Total words written: 4,138 Stories written: 0 Total words behind: 4,195 Remember, remember, the fifth of November! Yeah, I didn’t do so much writing today. It was a Thursday, so I wrote and sent out my email newsletter, went to the library with Mrs. Vasicek and Princess Hiccup (we go to the… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Five
NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Four
Words written: 1,482 Total words written: 3,903 Stories written: 0 Total words behind: 2,764 It’s only day four, and I’m already playing catch-up. This doesn’t bode well. But I did manage to get almost 1.5k words in, which isn’t nothing. Also, spent three and a half hours catching up on publishing tasks, which is also… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Four
NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Three
Words written: 1,791 Total words written: 2,421 Stories written: 0 Words behind: 2,579 Decent writing day, though it would have been better if I hadn’t been so distracted in the evening by the election results. I suspect I’m not the only one doing NaNoWriMo this year who had that problem. I would say more, but… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Three
NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Two
Date: Monday, November 1st Words written: 630 Total words written: 630 Stories written: 0 Words behind: 2703 Off to a bit of a rocky start, but it’s not as bad as it appears. Counting the words in my other WIP, I made about 1,600. Just had to tie it up at a good stopping place,… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Two
NaNoWriMo 2020 Day One
Date: Sunday, November 1st Words written: 0 Total words written: 0 Stories written: 0 Words behind: 1667 The first day of NaNoWriMo was a Sunday this year, and I generally don’t write on Sundays, so no words today! Looks like we’re off to a delayed start. It gets even better, though, because I had hoped… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2020 Day One
Any predictions for Trump: Season 5?
First off, how are you enjoying Trump: Season 4 so far? I have to admit, I was pretty skeptical at first. Seasons 1-3 were all building up to the impeachment, and when the writers threw in the SARS-COV-2 pandemic, I worried that the show was about to jump the shark. I mean come on—a global… Continue reading Any predictions for Trump: Season 5?
Blade Runner 2020
Saw this, couldn’t resist. We’ve got smoke here in Utah, too, but nowhere near as bad as California (for the moment). A couple of new fires started here in Utah Valley over the past week, and it looks like they may have been human caused, but the firefighters put them out very quickly. But whenever… Continue reading Blade Runner 2020
Do we even exist?
I subscribe to just about every science fiction and fantasy podcast, both the pro-zines and the semipro-zines, and on Saturdays I listen to all of the episodes from the last week while making waffles or doing chores. Since there’s usually about a dozen stories to listen to, and I rarely have the time to get… Continue reading Do we even exist?
White Science Fiction and Fantasy Doesn’t Matter
If you are white, and you write science fiction or fantasy, it is only a matter of time before you are cancelled. This is the logical end of intersectional identity politics, which is really just the resurrected, zombified corpse of Marxism. White people are the oppressors. People of color are the oppressed. All white people… Continue reading White Science Fiction and Fantasy Doesn’t Matter