The good folks over at The New Accelerator have picked up another one of my stories! This time, it’s The Open Source Time Machine. If you’re already a subscriber, be sure to check it out, and if you’re not a subscriber, it looks like they put out a new weekly story for the very reasonable… Continue reading “The Open Source Time Machine” now available on The New Accelerator!
Category: Uncategorized
Group promos for January
Halo Landfall
Here’s a little bit of nostalgia to start off your week. Remember this? For years, I thought it was either bootleg footage or a fan project. The only video I could find of it was on some kid’s YouTube channel at 144p. But no, it’s official Bungie. Here it is in HD.
Reconsidering my newsletter
One of my writer friends made an interesting comment the other day. We were talking about email newsletters, and he pointed out that Jordan Peterson’s 5th rule, “don’t let your children do anything that makes you dislike them,” also applies to newsletter subscribers. Obviously, I don’t think that my newsletter subscribers are my children. But… Continue reading Reconsidering my newsletter
On Basilisk Station by David Weber
The Honorverse is what Star Trek wants to be when it grows up. That’s the best way I can put it. On Basilisk Station is the first book in the series known as the “Honorverse,” which taken as a whole is David Weber’s best known work. Like Star Trek, the Honorverse is a far-future sprawling… Continue reading On Basilisk Station by David Weber
New short story goals
In the last few months, as I’ve reworked my business plan, I’ve put a lot of thought into what I want to do with short stories. I’ve written about two dozen of them so far, and while I don’t expect to be known as a short story writer, I do expect that short stories will… Continue reading New short story goals
Ethan of Athos by Lois McMaster Bujold
I love the Vorkosigan books. Miles isn’t in this one, but a bunch of other characters are. It’s the same universe, with the same fascinating history, just with a bunch of new and interesting complications. Ethan is from a world where women do not exist. The uterine replicator has rendered them obsolete, and a colony… Continue reading Ethan of Athos by Lois McMaster Bujold
Smashwords end-of-year sale
If you like to buy your books on Smashwords, good news! All of my books that are usually 2.99 or higher are 50% off until the end of the year. Enjoy!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Should I submit to non-paying markets?
I’ve recently gotten back into writing and submitting short stories, and this is one of the questions on my mind. Don’t get me wrong: I still believe in the top-down approach to short stories, where you start with the highest paying markets and work your way down. And I’m not going to write anything specifically… Continue reading Should I submit to non-paying markets?