When I left the United States in 2012, I didn’t have self-reliance in mind. The plan was to break out of the cycle of poverty I’d been living in by starting a career teaching English overseas, bouncing around the world as a global nomad. If I landed a good paying ESL job somewhere like the… Continue reading The Self-Sufficient Writer: What I Learned by Leaving the Country
Category: Uncategorized
The Self-Sufficient Writer: How I Got Started
One of the best things my father ever did for me was tell me that when I graduated from college, I was on my own. No more rent money or financial support from my parents—I had to become financially independent, and I had to do it soon. I had a rather unusual college experience. I… Continue reading The Self-Sufficient Writer: How I Got Started
The Self-Sufficient Writer: Introduction
Before I graduated from college five years ago, I decided that I was going to pursue writing as a full-time career. That was my dream: to make a living telling stories that I love. It’s been a crazy ride so far, and I don’t doubt that it’s only going to get crazier. For the better… Continue reading The Self-Sufficient Writer: Introduction
Hi guys! Just a quick announcement that Star Wanderers: Tales of the Far Outworlds (Omnibus V-VIII) is on a special $.99 for the week! While this omnibus contains the last four parts of the series, they stand on their own a little bit better and can be read independently of the first four. My favorite… Continue reading $.99 sale for TALES OF THE FAR OUTWORLDS
Blogging vs. journal writing
So as you may have noticed, I generally blog a lot less nowadays than I did just a couple of years ago. That doesn’t mean I don’t blog at all, or that I don’t value keeping a blog, but it’s just not something I do as frequently as I used to. I’ve been wondering why… Continue reading Blogging vs. journal writing
My LTUE 2015 Schedule!
It’s that time of year again—time for Life, the Universe, and Everything, Utah Valley’s best and longest running sci-fi convention! I will definitely be there, so if you’re able to make it this year, be sure to hunt me down and say hi! And if you can’t make it, I’ll be tweeting about it using… Continue reading My LTUE 2015 Schedule!
Thoughts on American Sniper
Yesterday, I saw American Sniper. In a word, it was fantastic. Super intense—so much that the friend I went to see it with had to walk out in the middle—but well, well worth it. The movie is about Chris Kyle, a US sniper in Iraq who had an incredible number of kills. He’s credited with… Continue reading Thoughts on American Sniper
Pay what you want
For a long time, I’ve said that if I didn’t have to make a living at this writing thing, I would love to give all my books away for free. Well, for the month of January at least, I’ve decided to do just that. Smashwords has a special pricing option that allows readers to set… Continue reading Pay what you want
Things I want to learn in 2015
I was going to follow up my retrospective 2014 post with another one, but instead I want to look ahead at the things I hope to learn in 2015. Of course, I’m sure that many of the things I’ll learn are things that I couldn’t have foreseen, but it helps to have some direction to… Continue reading Things I want to learn in 2015
First in a Series iBooks promotion
For those of you who read on an Apple device, I’m happy to announce that Star Wanderers: Outworlder (Part I) is one of several titles listed in a special first in series promotion over on iBooks! If you’re looking for new books to read, this is a great way to find them. The promotion runs… Continue reading First in a Series iBooks promotion