Why I am not afraid of the Noise

One of the biggest concerns for writers considering indie publishing is the fear of being drowned out by “the Noise”–all the obnoxious crap that will inevitably pile up because everyone thinks they can write a book.  After all, if anyone can self publish, anyone WILL self publish, including all the hordes of terrible, terrible writers. … Continue reading Why I am not afraid of the Noise

How to say “I love you” in math

I was having dinner at the McQueens today, and after chatting with my brother in law’s cousins about numerous interesting subjects (zombie contingency plans, preferred food substances to swim in, and the amount of sugar it would take to launch  you into space), we got onto the subject of math as a language. Side note:… Continue reading How to say “I love you” in math

Decision LZ1527 is now live

My second indie published short story, “Decision LZ1527,” is now available for $.99 from Amazon.  This is the same story that was published in the December 2009 issue of Leading Edge.  I’ve also included a short author’s note at the end, explaining the writing process from idea to publication. As with “Memoirs of a Snowflake,”… Continue reading Decision LZ1527 is now live

Memoirs of a Snowflake available on Amazon

I just released my first short story on the Kindle. “Memoirs of a Snowflake,” a whimsical short story about the life and times of a December snowflake, is available for $.99 on Amazon. The publishing process was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be.  Because this is a short story, I didn’t… Continue reading Memoirs of a Snowflake available on Amazon

A few additional thoughts

So, after the last post on my ebook venture, I have a few thoughts: I haven’t yet decided to go all out indie, so don’t think that I am.  All I’m doing right now is putting out a couple of my short stories, mostly so I can learn hands-on how the epublishing process works (and… Continue reading A few additional thoughts

A Hidden Place by Robert Charles Wilson

Travis Fisher is an outsider in most places, but nowhere more than the small midwestern town of Haute Montagne.  But when his mother dies, leaving him parentless and jobless in the midst of the Great Depression, his stern aunt and uncle are the only ones who will take him in. When Travis falls in love… Continue reading A Hidden Place by Robert Charles Wilson

8-bit Irish music FTW!

Holy crap, this is so cool: Doctor Octoroc is this awesome internet artist who did the 8-bit version of Dr. Horrible and the Twilight: Eclipse interactive game. This latest album release looks pretty good, combining two things I absolutely love: Celtic music and chiptunes. Dude…seriously, this is awesome–like, 9.2 on the awesomeness Richter scale. I… Continue reading 8-bit Irish music FTW!

Farnham’s Freehold by Robert Heinlein

Bomb warning.  Third bomb warning.  This is not a drill.  Take shelter at once.  Any shelter.  You are going to be atom-bombed in the next few minutes.  So get the lead out, you stupid fools, and quit listening to this chatter!  TAKE SHELTER! Thus begins the wild and crazy story of Hugh Farnham, a middle… Continue reading Farnham’s Freehold by Robert Heinlein