Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

I’ve always wanted to read a romance, just because I know so little about that particular genre.  Most of the time, though, the people around me would talk me out of it (“Romances are so slutty and gross!  You don’t want to read one of those!”).  However, a lot of people recommended that I read… Continue reading Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Twilight: preliminary thoughts

So, I’m reading Twilight by Stephanie Meyers, to try and figure out what makes this book work.  It’s been a really interesting experience so far, but I’m starting to understand why Brandon Sanderson called it “a book for 14 year old girls, or anyone who’s ever been a 14 year old girl.” It hearkens back… Continue reading Twilight: preliminary thoughts

You Make My Day award

A couple of weeks ago, Riegheena and Gamila both gave me this award, which is kind of nice–I’ve never gotten a blogging award before. The tradition is to hand off the award to a bunch of other bloggers by linking to them, so I picked a few of the blogs that I enjoy to read… Continue reading You Make My Day award

Hinckley Challenge

I don’t usually participate in this kind of stuff, but a group of people are getting together online to commemorate President Gordon B. Hinckley’s life by pledging to read the Book of Mormon in 97 days, starting this Monday.  President Hinckley was an incredible man and his teachings and leadership profoundly affected my life.  Like… Continue reading Hinckley Challenge

Old Man’s War by John Scalzi

In English 318 at BYU, every time somebody mentions Scalzi’s name, Brandon Sanderson (who teaches the class) counts to three, raises his fists and shouts out “Scalzi!” in this voice that makes it clear that he’s cursing his name. Why? Because he beat him to some kind of award or something. But Scalzi is definitely… Continue reading Old Man’s War by John Scalzi