Childhood’s End by Arthur C. Clarke

They came completely unexpected. Hundreds of silver spaceships, hovering above all the capitols and major population centers of the Earth. For nearly a week, as thousands rioted in the streets below, they sat there, waiting. And then came the voice of Karellen, chief of the overlords, viceroy of Earth, heralding a new, planet-wide administration that… Continue reading Childhood’s End by Arthur C. Clarke

Megaman DDR!

This makes me happy. It’s 2:30 am. My work here is finished.

I’m in Jordan!

…and not writing a whole lot. I still haven’t figured out how things are going to work exactly, so I haven’t set any new goals yet for my writing.  Probably I’m just going to end up writing 1,000 words a week, but I didn’t do too much last week because we were moving around so… Continue reading I’m in Jordan!

I have a new blog!

Check it out: Journey to Jordan. The blog is going to be all about my study abroad experience in the Middle East this summer.  I’m going to pattern after my sister’s blog, which IMO is one of the best blogs I’ve ever read. This means, however, that I probably won’t be updating this blog as… Continue reading I have a new blog!

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

I’ve always wanted to read a romance, just because I know so little about that particular genre.  Most of the time, though, the people around me would talk me out of it (“Romances are so slutty and gross!  You don’t want to read one of those!”).  However, a lot of people recommended that I read… Continue reading Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Twilight: preliminary thoughts

So, I’m reading Twilight by Stephanie Meyers, to try and figure out what makes this book work.  It’s been a really interesting experience so far, but I’m starting to understand why Brandon Sanderson called it “a book for 14 year old girls, or anyone who’s ever been a 14 year old girl.” It hearkens back… Continue reading Twilight: preliminary thoughts