When I started this book, I was a little bit surprised that it’s such a famous sci fi book–the story wasn’t that strong, and there were a couple of flaws that even the Quark writing group would pick up on pretty quickly. By the time I finished it, however, it gave me the urge to… Continue reading Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein
Category: Uncategorized
Quark Writing Group Flier 2008
Check out the link below! It’s a copy of the writing group flier for this year! Many thanks to Aiwe for the artwork! Here’s what to do…download the flier, print it out, and post it up wherever you want! Especially if you’re in the Provo/Orem area–we want to attract BYU aspiring writers who love Science… Continue reading Quark Writing Group Flier 2008
Researching publishers and a new novel from an old story
I didn’t do a whole lot of writing today, just a little bit in my story for English 318. I did, however, research some markets and give out Decision LZ150207 to some beta readers. I’m also starting to figure out some new plans for my story The Clearest Vision…
editing editing editing
I took a break from The Lost Colony tonight to edit two of my short stories, The Clearest Vision and Decision LZ150207. I want to send both of those out to contests in the near future, so I want to polish them up and send them out. I’m really optimistic about it.
Neuromancer by William Gibson
This novel was good. I wanted to suggest it in English 318 when we were listing sci fi / fantasy novels to read as a class. However, I knew that if I did, someone would be offended because it definitely violates honor code standards for BYU sponsored reading material. Despite some of the extremely explicit… Continue reading Neuromancer by William Gibson
The Mote in God’s Eye by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
My friend Logan picked out this book for me when we were over at Pioneer Book, the used bookstore in downtown Provo. He told me that this book is considered to be one of the best first contact stories in Science Fiction. Once I started reading it, I could see why–and by the end, I… Continue reading The Mote in God’s Eye by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
This is just Amazing
I have this feed in my blog aggregator for this awesome site that puts up astronomy pictures every day. Yesterday’s picture was just freaking amazing:
Dragonsflight by Anne McCaffrey
Dragonsflight is the first book in the Dragonriders of Pern series. Think fire breathing, teleporting, telepathic dragons who, with their human riders, fight off swarms of devastating alien worms falling through space from another planet, and you’ve pretty much summed up the basic premise of the story…
Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson
Brandon Sanderson teaches English 318 at BYU, and I’ve heard very good things about that class, both from members of Quark and from members of the English faculty. He’s also a relatively new Fantasy writer, with a handful of novels in print, so when I heard that the Quark reading group book for November was… Continue reading Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson
What kind of an accent do you have?
Well, this online quiz pegged me pretty good. What American accent do you have? (Best version so far)Northern You have a Northern accent. That could either be the Chicago / Detroit / Cleveland / Buffalo accent (easily recognizable) or the Western New England accent that news networks go for. Click Here to Take This Quiz… Continue reading What kind of an accent do you have?