Do trans people exist?

There’s this video clip currently making the rounds where Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) confronts a crazy-eyed law professor from Berkely and gets called out for, among other things, saying that trans people “don’t exist.” It’s a highly partisan exchange that I’m sure will be used by both sides to rally the base, but it also gets at the fundamental incoherence of the modern LGBTQ+ movement, which I find absolutely fascinating.

First of all, it’s worth examining the accusation that Hawley doesn’t think that trans people “exist.” What exactly does that accusation mean? It can actually mean one (or both) of two things:

  1. The category of “trans” is not (or should not be) a legitimate identity for legal and societal purposes.
  2. People who identify as “trans” should be un-personed and deprived of all their basic human rights.

It’s extremely disingenuous of the professor to conflate those things, because it is entirely possible to believe the former without believing the latter: that is, to believe that “trans” as a category is illegitimate while also acknowledging that people who identify as “trans” are still people and deserving of basic human rights. Also, it’s disingenuous of her to argue that denying “trans” as a category causes people who identify as “trans” to commit suicide, as the suicide rate for transgender people is the same after they transition as it is before they transition. But I digress.

The thing that makes this interesting, at least to me, is that if you follow the professor’s logic to its conclusion, it actually undermines the fundamental premise of the gay rights movement: that gays, lesbians, and bisexuals didn’t choose to be gay, but in fact were “born this way.” Allow me to explain.

At first, the argument was “I didn’t choose to be gay, I was born this way.” Thus the concept of sexual identity was born, with categories for heterosexual, homosexual (gay/lesbian), and bisexual.

Then, the argument was “I’m a man/woman who was born in a woman’s/man’s body.” In other words, that gender and sex are separate things, and it is possible to identify with a gender that is different than your sex. Thus, the concept of gender identity was born, and with it the category of transgender.

At this point, it’s important to point out that the “born this way” argument still held sway. The idea wasn’t that trans people choose to change gender, but that they were, in fact, born in the wrong body. Thus the distinction between sex and gender.

But once the trans category was added to the movement, transforming it into LGBT, that created a major epistemological problem for its members: how do you know which category you belong to? That is, how do you know whether you’re actually a gay man, or really a woman in a man’s body? You can’t be both. You were either born one way, or you were born the other. So which one is it, and how do you know?

This is where the movement began to fall apart, because there is no objective way to tell the difference between gay/lesbian and trans. It’s entirely subjective. And once we allowed that, suddenly we got a bunch of people saying things like:

“What if I feel like a man today, and a woman tomorrow?”

“What if I don’t feel like a man OR a woman?”

“What if I feel like I’m actually a cat, or a wolf?”

“What if I feel like I’m a totally different gender/sexual category that none of y’all have imagined yet?”

And suddenly, just like that, the “born this way” argument was completely undermined, because if gender and sexuality are subjective, then it can be whatever you want it to be. Which is how we got personal bios like this one:

Serah Eley is a software developer and former podcaster who once produced a weekly science fiction podcast called Escape Pod. It’s since gone on to become somewhat successful. She strangely mispronounced her name as Steve Eley at the time; she’s since realized that life is much more fun as a woman, and came out as transgender last year. Serah lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her two wives, Alison and Cat.

So if there were ever any betting pools on what happened to Steve: changed sex, joined a committed lesbian love triangle is the dark horse winner. She is, obviously, still Having Fun.

So gender is something you can change on a whim because it’s “more fun”? That doesn’t sound at all like Serah was “born this way.” It sounds a lot more like “reality is whatever I want it to be.”

But if sexuality and gender are all subjective, the entire premise that the movement was originally built upon—that LGBT people are “born this way”—is completely false, and the “born this way” argument is outdated at best, and at worst was a Trojan Horse for the LGBTQ+ agenda from the very beginning.

Either way, by the standards of this Berkeley professor, gays, lesbians, and bisexuals “don’t exist.”

Just like man and woman “don’t exist.”

Just like objective reality doesn’t “exist.”

Because biological sex, “born this way” arguments, and objective reality itself are all fundamentally transphobic.

That’s where you get if you follow the LGBTQ+ logic to its ultimate conclusion. The fundamental premises on which the movement is based are totally incoherent and self-contradictory. It’s remarkable, really, because the language the movement uses is not all that different from the Orwellian doublespeak of 1984.

But hey, I’ve also been reliably informed that reason and logic are all just constructs of white supremacy, so obviously that means that professor crazy-eyes is right and there’s nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.


  1. Actually, the language the movement uses IS Orwellian doublespeak of 1984. The Left can’t refute any of their arguments with logic, so of course they say it’s a construct of white supremacy. Everything they don’t like is white supremacy. Which is why conservative black people are white supremacists. See? That doesn’t even make sense, but they don’t use logic.

    Just remember, in the Bible, where it talks about “good is evil and evil is good.” Yeah, we’re getting close.

    1. Exactly, Scifibookguy. And this is why they are losing.

      I think we are living through the beginnings of a profound shift in the culture, which the pandemic, the “mostly peaceful protests,” and the insane excesses of TDS have brought about. The overturning of Roe v. Wade is just the beginning. In the next decade, I expect the radical left to lose all of the gains that they made over the long march through the institutions, whether from the outright collapse of those institutions, or losing that ground to the right.

      The two big questions in my mind are 1) how much damage will the left do to our society and economy before they lose their cultural dominance, and 2) what sort of culture will ultimate replace them?

  2. I think we’ll see how much damage is done before the November elections. The Left is planning and training for their “Summer of Rage.” Glenn Beck did a special on it last night. It’s not pretty 🙁

    1. So I just listened to the Glenn Beck special, and while the idea of a “Summer of Rage” is certainly disturbing (especially after the “mostly peaceful” riots of 2020), I don’t see it playing out the way the radicals want it to.

      For one thing, they’re actually not the ones in power: Biden certainly panders to them a lot, but I think he’s actually playing them as useful idiots for the benefit of the American oligarchs, of which group he is a member. All his life, he’s been an empty suit, which is how he put together the Biden crime family. The only thing he actually believes in is getting his 10% for the “big guy.” In order to enact their radical agenda, the left actually needs to oust the Biden crime family from power, and I think they’re only just now realizing that.

      The real problem is that our entire economic, financial, and monetary systems are currently melting down, with the potential for a major systems collapse that would make the GFC of 2008 look like a light spring rain. The kind of collapse where credit, debit, and EBT cards suddenly stop working due to a global credit freeze, and large swaths of the country suddenly can’t get food. I’m not entirely sure whether that’s by design or incompetence, but it feels a lot like we’re living through Atlas Shrugged, and that’s before the big one hits. Definitely a very good time to have a food storage.

      As for the “summer of rage,” though, from what the guy at the end of the show reported after infiltrating their training session, it doesn’t sound like it’s going to be anything like the insurrection of 2020. I could be wrong, especially if we get another George Floyd event, but the end of Roe really isn’t as galvanizing to the left as Trump. To the radicals, it is, but not to the base.

      1. Everything the Left does is by design. Whether the outcome goes the way they want is the only question.

        And I prepared with Glenn 🙂

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