Genesis Earth is now live!

That’s right!  Genesis Earth, my first epublished novel, is now available on Amazon for $2.99.  Check it out, post a review, tell your friends!

I decided to price it at $2.99 for a few reasons:

First, that’s the lowest price at which Amazon allows a 70% royalty rate.  When you buy the book, I get $2.05, which is a very nice royalty even for a traditionally published book.  A lot of readers like to know that their money is going to support the author, rather than the people exploiting the author, and that’s only really possible at this price point.  I might drop the price to $.99 at some point in the future, but only for a short period of time for a special promotion.

Second, there’s the question of value perception.  I don’t want people to think that my book is worth less than a cheeseburger at McDonalds.  Sure, I might get more buyers if I price it lower, but I don’t want to attract people who will buy it and never read it; I want to attract people who will read it, love it, and buy all my other stuff–and I plan to put out a lot more work before the end of the year!

Third, and perhaps most importantly, I fully believe that this book is worth that much.  It’s worth at least that much.  Granted, if I didn’t have to worry about money, I’d gladly give it away for free (and what an awesome world that would be!), but even so, if you’re a person who enjoys thoughtful, character driven science fiction, I’m confident that you’ll come away from Genesis Earth feeling satisfied.

So yeah, Genesis Earth is finally up!  Buy it, read it, blog it, tweet it, facebook link it, start format…er, yeah, you get the picture.  Wheee!!

I’m going to start guest blogging on a bunch of other blogs, but don’t worry, I’ll keep this blog updated as well.  I also need to get back into writing my next novel, so I’d better do that now.  See you around!

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.


  1. Congratulations on getting your first ebook out the door. I saw that the first review had nothing but good things to say about Genesis Earth–that’s very impressive. Good luck with promoting the book and finding more readers. It looks like your book deserves them.

  2. Awesome! Congrats on your first indie-published novel. I hope it does well. Now I just have to buy a Kindle to read it!

  3. I’m looking forward to reading it. Actually I’ve been looking forward to it since I read the excerpts a few months ago.

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