Goals update…and it’s freaking late…

Man, I’ve been really bad about my writing goals this month.  I set a whole bunch of goals right as school started, and I don’t think a single day has gone by where I’ve kept all of them.  Blegh, that’s disgusting.

So today I took some time to rethink things and reevaluate.  I figured that I’d have to drop those old goals I’d set, settle for something more practical and less wild and crazy.  Something disssapointing like that.

The surprising (and encouraging) thing was that, when I calculated how many days I had to accomplish these things, I saw that they were still very much within my reach.

I mean, in order to finish the rewrite of The Phoenix of Nova Terra on schedule, all I’ve got to do is revise six pages a day.  Six pages!  That’s virtually nothing!  Get me on a roll, and I can do ten to twenty pages easy–and thoroughly enjoy it.

As far as Hero in Exile is concerned, if I write 500 words a day, I’ll be at 100,000 words by March.  100,000 is more than I want to write for this novel–I want to try and keep this one relatively short, in the 50,000 to 100,000 word range.  And that’s just at 500 words per day!  I’m sure there will be days where I write more–where I’ll be driven to write more.

So now, I’m happy to say that even though this month has been way disorganized, I still think I can do this.  I will.  I’ll be consistent, put forth my best efforts, and have three polished novels by November 2009 in time for the World Fantasy Convention.  And I’ll be there!  For sure, I’ll be there.

The problem is that I put off writing until the last thing I do before I go to bed.  Then, I run around doing all sorts of night owl type things, until finally 2:00 am comes around, and then it’s just too late to do anything but pass out.  ugh.  UGH.

But tonight, before running out to hang out with some friends (and then waste time upon coming back), I sat down and forced myself to write.  And it worked!  I made some good progress in Hero in Exile.  It’s just 500 words or so, but I’m starting to think in terms of “what do I need to accomplish in this scene?” rather than “how can I get my 500 words in today?”  That’s good.  Progress, at least of some kind.

There is other stuff that I need to blog about, but I’ll do it in a later post.  Gotta review Dune, gotta write about my new job, I’ve got a letter to the Daily Universe that I want to post up here first…all kinds of stuff.

But for now, I think I’m finished.  Time to pass out for the next four or five hours.  UUGGGGGHH.

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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