Happy New Year!

There must be a law that states that the climax of your story takes three times as long to write as you thought it would take. Back on Monday, I finished the previous chapter and thought I could bang out the major climax of the story in a day. Look how time has flown since then–and I’ve been writing regularly.

As far as resolutions, well, I’ve got a few. As far as my writing is concerned, I’d like to consistently hit at least 500 words a day (probably more like 1,000), so I can get some solid momentum going. I’d also like to start reading again. I plan on reading 3 novels a month and reviewing them here on this blog.

I’ve also noticed that I don’t blog much here anymore, except to whine and moan about my frustrations and other stuff. That must get really tedious and boring to read after a while, so I’m going to try to blog like I did last year, where I would finish writing around 1 or 2 in the morning and then hastily throw a cheerful blog post together about whatever was on my mind. Those posts are a lot of fun to look back on, and were probably a lot more entertaining to read.

As far as my goal to finish this novel, Genesis Earth, by January 5th? Well, I’m cutting it close, no doubt about it. But I still think I can do it. I’ve been thinking about the storyline in my spare time, and I’m starting to get enthusiastic about it. I know how I want it to end, and I know how to get there. The only trouble, really, is slogging it through.

Every time I sit down to slog it out, it seems to get longer and longer and longer…but I will do it! If I don’t finish it by January 5th, I will at least finish it before the first week of school is over. The main idea is that I don’t want to split my time between finishing the rough draft of this novel and rewriting Phoenix. I found out this September that that doesn’t work (especially after I revised what I’d written–I kept mixing up the main characters’ names for both the stories! This led to some entertaining comments and discussions in the Quark writing group; “What’s Ian doing in this story? I didn’t know he lived in the desert and drove nuclear powered dune buggies!”).

Anyways, I’d better get to bed. I’ve got lots of things I could write about, but that’ll have to wait for another post-midnight rant another time.Happy New Year! May 2009 be filled with at least as much awesomeness as 2008 and a whole lot more fun and success!

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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