There must be a law that states that the climax of your story takes three times as long to write as you thought it would take. Back on Monday, I finished the previous chapter and thought I could bang out the major climax of the story in a day. Look how time has flown since then–and I’ve been writing regularly.
As far as resolutions, well, I’ve got a few. As far as my writing is concerned, I’d like to consistently hit at least 500 words a day (probably more like 1,000), so I can get some solid momentum going. I’d also like to start reading again. I plan on reading 3 novels a month and reviewing them here on this blog.
I’ve also noticed that I don’t blog much here anymore, except to whine and moan about my frustrations and other stuff. That must get really tedious and boring to read after a while, so I’m going to try to blog like I did last year, where I would finish writing around 1 or 2 in the morning and then hastily throw a cheerful blog post together about whatever was on my mind. Those posts are a lot of fun to look back on, and were probably a lot more entertaining to read.
As far as my goal to finish this novel, Genesis Earth, by January 5th? Well, I’m cutting it close, no doubt about it. But I still think I can do it. I’ve been thinking about the storyline in my spare time, and I’m starting to get enthusiastic about it. I know how I want it to end, and I know how to get there. The only trouble, really, is slogging it through.
Every time I sit down to slog it out, it seems to get longer and longer and longer…but I will do it! If I don’t finish it by January 5th, I will at least finish it before the first week of school is over. The main idea is that I don’t want to split my time between finishing the rough draft of this novel and rewriting Phoenix. I found out this September that that doesn’t work (especially after I revised what I’d written–I kept mixing up the main characters’ names for both the stories! This led to some entertaining comments and discussions in the Quark writing group; “What’s Ian doing in this story? I didn’t know he lived in the desert and drove nuclear powered dune buggies!”).
Anyways, I’d better get to bed. I’ve got lots of things I could write about, but that’ll have to wait for another post-midnight rant another time.Happy New Year! May 2009 be filled with at least as much awesomeness as 2008 and a whole lot more fun and success!