Is this how Ezra’s Eagle ultimately goes down?

Today, Biden announced that he will not seek re-election, and that he endorses Kamala Harris for the Democrat nomination. At least, that’s the story we’re supposed to believe. The announcement came via an image of a letter, posted to X… which was the first time several of his aides found out that he was stepping down… and his campaign sent out a mass fundraising email eight minutes after the letter dropped… and Biden’s letter has similar typos as many of the other letters from other prominent Democrats that came out within hours of the first letter… all of which smells of an internal coup. And the Babylon Bee confirms it, with the headline: Aides Struggling To Figure Out How To Break The News To Biden That He Dropped Out.

With everything going on, I can’t help but wonder if/how this all plays into the Ezra’s Eagle prophecy, which I’m not entirely sure I believe, but which makes for a really fascinating (and terrifying) scenario moving forward. If you haven’t heard of the Ezra’s Eagle prophecy, check out my previous post on the subject, which for the last couple of months has been getting more views than any other post on my blog.

In any case, there is a very simple way that Ezra’s Eagle could play out, and it’s not only plausible, but it may actually be probable. Here’s how it goes down:

Trump wins the election, giving him +270 votes in the electoral college.

Congress passes a resolution declaring Trump to be an insurrectionist.

On January 6th 2025, Congress refuses to ratify the election because Trump is an insurrectionist. But since the Democratic ticket has less than 270 votes in the electoral college, the election gets thrown to the House of Representatives.

The House of Representatives is under no obligation to elect either Trump or Harris (or whoever ends up getting the Democratic nomination). In fact, they can elect whoever they want—even someone who wasn’t involved in the primaries at all.

The House selects a dark horse candidate for president, who turns out to be the first eagle’s head in the prophecy.

After this point, everything proceeds as I’ve previously outlined.

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.


  1. “Congress passes a resolution declaring Trump to be an insurrectionist.”

    I just don’t see that happening.

    1. Dude, if you told me five years ago all the things that have happened since then, I would say the same thing for almost all of them.

          1. The J6 democrat committee didn’t even charge _anyone_ with insurrection because they couldn’t. They couldn’t make the case. Congress trying to charge insurrection would be in court immediately and eventually thrown out. The republicans voting “for” would be out on their asses, having proved themselves as democrat agents.

            Also, would require 60% in the Senate due to the filibuster.

  2. I would also invite you to consider the possibility of the short and long feathers no longer having the same meaning on the left side as it did on the right. Perhaps there could still be full and short terms but it’s no longer recognized now that the awakening has happened.

    1. That’s interesting, Nelly. I hadn’t considered that the feathers might signify something different, depending on which wing they appear.

  3. What about the possibility of a tie this election? The result would be Congress choosing the new President and The Senate choosing the new vice president. This scenario could still provide “ a dark horse” president

  4. Three branches of government, Over time the Executive branch has grown in power to be the strongest. The military, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, FBI, CIA, U.S. Marshals, Secret Service, IRS, etc. All the scariest departments of government are in the Executive branch.
    If the chaos of the election and the dementia of the President caused the Executive branch to rear it’s head and take over the reign of the country, martial law would ensue, the election would be cancelled, the military would fill the streets and the other two heads would cower and consume each other.

  5. Glenn Beck had on someone (can’t remember the name) about a week ago, and the guy explained the prophecy, and what needs to happen for it to apply to our current world. While neither Harris nor Trump getting the Presidency is part of it, the other thing that needs to happen is that Joe Biden doesn’t make it to Jan 20.

    If the 25th amendment is used, or Biden dies before then, that’s going make this situation very scary.

  6. Mormon seer John Koyle says a Republican POTUS dies in office whilst trying to save the economy, kickstarting the economic collapse and civil war.

    This leads me to believe that Trump is indeed elected.

    1. John Koyle was only ever a bishop, and was never confirmed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a prophet, seer, and revelator. In fact, he was excommunicated in 1948.

        1. It’s worth pointing out because “seer” means something specific in a Latter-day Saint context, and John Koyle does not qualify for the title of “seer.”

  7. Joe:
    Glad I just found your threads. I agree that That is a very plausible way it could go down. Or, I posted in your first thread, why I think it’s possible that the Eagle Head is already awake. There are several scenarios on the way it could play out, but unless Trump is elected and allowed to rule, then I present a scenario which shows how it could already be fulfilled and that first Eagle head could already be awake. I’ll copy and post it on this thread as well……

    1. Here’s my post on your first thread as to how it’s possible the first eagle head already just woke up.

      Even if Biden makes it to January 6th, he can logically still be considered as “ruling shorter than the first” (Trump). It sounds like he is not at all in charge and the Gov is being ran by the state department (his handlers). So, we may not even see what goes on behind the scenes but if the prophesy is true, it may have already happened and Esra would have seen that he is not ruling behind the scenes and simply worded it that way.
      Further speculation on this shows that Kamala is also being handled… so she could simply be the stooge or puppet behind the already awakened first Eagle head who’s really in control.

      …….Side note: Dick Cheney’s endorsement of her was interesting let alone that the Obama’s already did. ….

      So, feathers 3 and 4 may not be Kamala, but Trump/Vance, who will think to rule but not be allowed to. Or it could be Kamala and Trump not allowed and there will be no actual POTUS installed and the eagle head will show itself.

      But as I first said, I think that the head already showed up and ousted Biden from power and Kamala may just be a stooge.

      So, even if we get a figurehead of Kamala in there, the prophecy could still be fulfilled as she is not truly even ruling…. Not allowed to rule…. If Trump wins and is allowed to rule, then the prophesy didn’t play out IMO.

      1. Thanks, Rich. It’s possible, I suppose. You should check out my most recent post, where I share how I think the script will play out if the prophecy is fulfilled.

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