At long last, after more than a year, the rough draft of Children of the Starry Sea is now complete! It clocked in at just over 149k words, which makes it the longest book I have written since I started publishing (the first novel I ever finished was a 168k word train wreck that will never see the light of day. I wrote Genesis Earth next, and that was my first published novel).
I will probably pare it down to around 130k words, which will still make it my longest book when I publish it. Since I’ve been cycling through the revision drafts as I write, I will hopefully finish all the revisions within the next month and put it up for preorder shortly after that.
I am super excited, not only about this novel, but at the recent changes in my writing process that enabled me to finish it so quickly, and will hopefully help me to write a lot more books moving forward. Because of those changes, I’m confident that I can finish the third book in the trilogy (Return of the Starborn Son) before the end of the year, perhaps even before the end of the summer. It will be really fantastic to have this trilogy complete.
And after that? I’m not entirely sure. I currently have two other unfinished trilogies, and I hope to finish those soon, but I may also want to start a new one. If I can write at least three novels a year, I can finish a trilogy and start a new one every year going forward.
Anyway, I’m really excited that book two is done. Looking forward to writing the next one!
Congrats! 🙂