- Words written: 971
- Total words written: 24,386
- Stories written: 4
- Total words behind: 3,947
So that story that I mentioned yesterday turned out to be a flash fiction piece, much to my surprise, and it took far longer to write than I thought it would, so by the end of the day it was the only thing I’d written. I don’t feel too bad about it, considering that I’ve got a baby to help take care of, dinner to make, and a publishing business to run, but it’s frustrating to still be behind.
I drew the Mythulu cards again in preparation for the next story, and this is what came up:
- Necro + Desert
- Dream
- Eroded
- Peacekeeper
- Beyonder
- Fool
- Fungus
- Yin and Yang
I’ve got a pretty good story in mind for this one, but I won’t be starting it until tomorrow.