NaNoWriMo 2021: Day Three

  • Words Written Today: 2,295
  • Children of the Starry Sea: 946
  • Science Fiction from A to Z: 1,346
  • Total Words Written: 6,389
  • Total Words Remaining: 43,611
  • Total Words Ahead: 1,388

I had some nasty insomnia last night, which wasn’t very good for my health or sanity, but did help me to get 500 words in before the sun rose and the baby got up.

Besides short stories, I’m working on the second edition of Science Fiction from A to Z, which I’m currently using as my newsletter incentive. The first edition is currently out of date, and needs a major rewrite.

Besides the insomnia, we also have a major plumbing issue that’s backed up our sewage lines for half of my in-laws’ house, including the master bedroom. Finding a bunch of sewage in the floor (and seeping through the wall into the garage) is not a lot of fun. Still managed to hit word count, though, and keep myself ahead of my nanowrimo goals.

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.


  1. Man, you are so much more productive than me. I am currently about 4,000 words behind, and I haven’t even been busy as an excuse. I am seriously impressed.

    1. Thanks! Yeah, a couple of months ago I took a hard look at my writing career, the things that are in my control and the things that aren’t, and decided that I needed to take charge and write at least 2k words per day. I don’t do that every day, but I’m working on it, and hopefully nanowrimo this year helps me to hit it more consistently.

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