New! Email newsletter

Just a quick post to let you know about a new feature:

I just started an email newsletter for my ebooks, to keep my readers up to date with the latest releases.  I also plan on doing some giveaways, discounts, and exclusives, so if you’re at all interested, sign up by filling out the form in the sidebar just below the featured ebook!

My goal with the newsletter is to establish a channel where I can connect with my core readers, those who are interested in everything I release.  Hopefully, this will be a good way to cultivate their interest and build a tribe of followers, who will then be excited to go and share my books with their friends.

Of course, I’ll be sure to keep any personal information confidential and not share my subscriber’s emails with any third parties.  I’ll also keep the newsletters sparse, so as to keep from cluttering people’s inboxes.  This blog is for regular writing updates; the newsletter is strictly for announcing new releases, giveaways, discounts, and exclusives.

As a reward to everyone who signs up over the weekend, I’ll be giving out a free copy of Sholpan via the newsletter on Monday.  I’ll do that through Smashwords, so it’ll be available in multiple formats.

That’s just about it for the newsletter.  In other news, I received my first royalty payment from Amazon today!  I celebrated with my roommates by breaking open a bottle of sparkling grape juice that I’d been saving for the occasion.

As of right now, I am a professional novelist.  Weird, huh?

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.


  1. I started reading “Genesis Earth” last night. I’m not the biggest fan of first person, however, your writing overpowers my hangups with it. Just to be clear, I used to like first-person, back when I could pick up a novel and actually have a 50/50 chance of getting either first-person or third-person. Now it seems, just about everyone writes in first-person and I’m getting to where I hate it. /rant over.

    Anyway…I like the setting and the voice of your protagonist. I can’t wait to see what he finds on the other side of the wormhole. And congratulations on the sparkling grape juice/royalty payment thing.

  2. @Josh — Yeah, I remember getting that check from Leading Edge for my first story. I’ve got a copy of it somewhere–I should frame it or something. 🙂

    @Mike — Hey, thanks! I think I had a couple of false starts with third person, and the first person ended up working out much better. I’m glad it works for you too.

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