An awesome day!!!

Today was an AWESOME day for the Quark club!  We had a ton of really great activities and meetings, and it was really fun! First, we had a book club meeting at 11…with a special guest!  Brandon Sanderson joined us to discuss his book Mistborn!  It was a lot of fun to ask him questions… Continue reading An awesome day!!!

527 words–I did it!

Yeah!  I was tired, and thought that I’d throw in the towel after writing just a couple hundred words, but I kept saying to myself “come on, you can at least stay awake to write fifty more words–come on!” and it worked!  I met both goals today, and I feel that the story is progressing… Continue reading 527 words–I did it!

A Rebuke from the Past

I’ve been reading through a lot of my old journals recently (and by old, I’m talking 1994-ish, back when I was in 3rd and 4th grade), and I’ve been learning a couple of surprising things! For one, I’ve learned that my writing style back then is about as grammatically correct as my blogging style on… Continue reading A Rebuke from the Past

Thoughts on Dave Wolverton and the AML Convention

I apologize for the long post.  I had a great time at the AML conference (what little time I was able to spend there!) and here are my thoughts on Dave Wolverton’s speech.  AML (Association for Mormon Letters) is this association for Mormon literary people (they have a blog here), and I don’t know a… Continue reading Thoughts on Dave Wolverton and the AML Convention

Some light revision

Didn’t write much today.  Just revised what I wrote yesterday a little bit.  I listened to some dark punk rock music to put me in the mood to write out this one really dark scene, and it worked pretty well–except that I was writing more out of my feelings than out of my rational thoughts. … Continue reading Some light revision