A Rebuke from the Past

I’ve been reading through a lot of my old journals recently (and by old, I’m talking 1994-ish, back when I was in 3rd and 4th grade), and I’ve been learning a couple of surprising things! For one, I’ve learned that my writing style back then is about as grammatically correct as my blogging style on… Continue reading A Rebuke from the Past

Thoughts on Dave Wolverton and the AML Convention

I apologize for the long post.  I had a great time at the AML conference (what little time I was able to spend there!) and here are my thoughts on Dave Wolverton’s speech.  AML (Association for Mormon Letters) is this association for Mormon literary people (they have a blog here), and I don’t know a… Continue reading Thoughts on Dave Wolverton and the AML Convention

Some light revision

Didn’t write much today.  Just revised what I wrote yesterday a little bit.  I listened to some dark punk rock music to put me in the mood to write out this one really dark scene, and it worked pretty well–except that I was writing more out of my feelings than out of my rational thoughts. … Continue reading Some light revision

I…splurged today

Yeah, I did.  3,841 words over the past two days–but since I only wrote about 300 words yesterday, that means I did about 3,500 words today.  That brings the total word count of this novel up to 41,251 so far.  Holy. Cow. It seems like whenever I write for only ten minutes, I find it… Continue reading I…splurged today

Man! I love it when stories do this!

Man, I was reading Mistborn tonight, and it was freaking amazing! I’m about 500 pages in, right up close to the end, at the part where the house war finally begins. And MAN!!!! That chapter was so awesome! The fight that Vin gets into…(dangit, can’t give away spoilers!), it just felt so GOOD! Just how… Continue reading Man! I love it when stories do this!